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ICANN recently made some changes to their Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (IRTP). One of these changes states that any time you make a company/name or email address change to your Whois contact record, both the old and new registrant must approve these changes. We will send one approval email to the "old registrant" - the original name, organization, and/or email in your contact record - and the other approval email will go to the "new registrant" - the new name, organization, and/or email you entered. Again, both emails must be approved for the changes to take effect unless Dynadot is set as your designated agent. This is why we recommend setting Dynadot as your designated agent.
You can choose to opt out of having us as your designated agent at any time. If you want to opt out, please be aware that you will no longer be able to make changes to your contact records from within your account. Instead, you will need to email us at [email protected] and we will manually make the changes for you.
Please note that in addition to the two approval emails discussed above, ICANN is also requiring us to send two notification emails - one to the "old registrant" and one to the "new registrant" - which will still be sent to you even if we are your designated agent.
This ICANN policy change is separate from the verification email requirement implemented in January 2016. You can get more info about those changes below: