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The Whois Contact Record Verification email, along with the similar Account Info Verification email, are part of a new ICANN (the Internet Corporation of Names and Numbers) requirement. The requirement came into effect when we signed the ICANN 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA). Basically, you are required to verify any Whois contact information that is attached to a generic top-level domain (gTLD), such as .COM.
This email is sent out when you:
When you edit a contact record, you will be able to see if a Whois Contact Record Verification email was sent out after you hit "Save". If an email was sent out, it will say so under the "gTLD Verification" section. This is also where you can choose to resend the verification email.
To see whether or not your Whois contact records are verified, please visit the "Contact Records" page from the "My Domains" drop down in your account. Here you will see a list of your contact records and their status in "gTLD Verified" column. Here are what they mean:
You can also see if you have any Whois verifications on your Dynadot account summary page. In this section, you can also see if you need to verify your account information via our Account Info Verification email (the second row on the example below).
gTLD Whois Verification in Dynadot Account Notifications
If you fail to verify your Whois contact record within 15 days of receiving the Whois Contact Record Verification email, you will be unable to manage them. This means you will not be able to change your domain settings until the contact is verified.