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Owning and operating an online store means sometimes dealing with customer disputes. A dispute occurs when one of your customers questions your charge with their bank or credit card company. When there is a dispute, Stripe will notify you and a dispute will be created in the "Disputes" section of our Website Builder's store manager.To view your disputes, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Store" option on the left-hand tool bar. Click on the "Disputes" tab. Here, you can choose to view "Open Disputes" or "Closed Disputes". Please note that you will not be able to manage your disputes from this page. This page will simply list the dispute ID, order it is associated with, and the status of the dispute from Stripe.To manage your disputes, you will need to login to your Stripe account and handle the disputes from there.Don't have any disputes because you don't have an online store? Get one (the store, not the disputes) by purchasing our Website Builder Pro plan, which includes everything you need to start your store and sell your products online.