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Contact records are collections of contact information created to be displayed in the public Whois directory.
When you first create your account, your account information is used to create your Whois contact record. However, from then on it is separate from your account information and must be updated separately from your account information (i.e. when you update your account information, it does not affect your Whois contact record). Find out more about the difference between account information and contact records.
You can edit your contact record as well as create a new contact record within your Dynadot account. You can also select a default Whois contact record to use with future domain registrations and transfers. Find out how to see which contact records your domains are using for the Whois directory.
Please keep in mind that all contact records must contain accurate information as stated in our Service Agreement.
Don't want your contact record information to be available in the Whois directory, no problem! Domain privacy is automatically enabled when you add a domain to your account, unless you choose to disable the settings or privacy is not allowed for that TLD.