
Dynadot Help

Need support for your Dynadot domains, websites, or one of our tools? Use our help article directory to find the resources you need or contact our support team to get further assistance.
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  • How do I select a different language on your website?

    Dynadot is proud to support 8 languages on our website: English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, German, Portuguese, French, and Russian. To select a different langauge, please follow these steps: Click on the "EN" drop down from any page on our website. Select the language you'd like to see. The top will change from "EN" to the launguge you have selected. Please note that we are still in the process of translating our website, so some pages may still be in English, our main language. There are also some pages that will remain in English, such as our service agreement.

  • I am on a foreign language version of your website, but why is most of it in English?

    Dynadot is excited to offer our website in eight languages! Since English is our main language, you may find that parts of our website are in English even if you've selected another language. There are a few potential reasons for this: We are still in the process of translating our website. Although, we do have the majority of our website translated, we are always making changes, updates, and additions to our website, so translation is an ongoing process. There are parts of our website that we have decided not to translate. This includes some of the legal sections of our website including our service agreement. How do I select a different language on your website?We also offer additional international currencies!

  • Who can I contact if I am not happy with the customer service I received?

    At Dynadot, we take feedback very seriously and encourage customers to contact us to escalate an issue if they are not happy with the level of customer service received.If you wish to escalate an issue, please submit a ticket to us by emailing [email protected]. Please include as much detail about the issue as possible, such as the associated Dynadot username and order ID, and the date, method of contact, and name of the customer service representative you were originally assisted by. This will allow us to investigate the problem in full. Our management team will acknowledge your complaint within 2 business days and aim to resolve any issues you have within 10 business days.

  • What languages does Dynadot's website support?

    Dynadot supports 8 languages on our website: English Spanish Chinese Arabic German Portuguese French Russian To select your preferred language, click on the "EN" at the end of any page on our site. Then select the language you'd like to see. Please note that certain pages, such as our service agreement, will remain in English, our main language.We are also still in the process of translating our website, so you may find that some pages that will be translated have not been completed yet. Please bear with us.We also offer additional international currencies!

  • Does Dynadot have a support ticket system?

    Yes, Dynadot does have a support ticket system. If our customer service team needs more time to investigate and resolve your issue, a Dynadot agent will create a support ticket. Any followup questions or more information can be sent directly through our ticket system. This way both you and Dynadot can keep record and ensure it gets resolved.Typically our tickets are resolved within three days or less, however you will be updated with each message. Our system makes it easy for you to keep track of both open and closed tickets within your Dynadot account.

  • Where can I see my support tickets?

    To view both open and closed support tickets within your Dynadot account, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Go to the "Support" link at the top of the page and click "Tickets" in the drop-down. You should be defaulted to the "All Tickets" section. You can see only open tickets or closed tickets using the buttons on the left-hand menu bar.

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