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No, our Website Builder store manager does not know the sales tax you should charge for your online store. It is up to you to decide if you should charge any sales tax and how much that sales tax should be. Our system offers you a way to manually set up taxes based on country, state, or province. You may need to do some research on sales tax to decide what you need to do. is a good resource if you are located within the US.If you do need to set up any taxes, you will need to first set up a shipping zone in our system: How do I set up shipping zones? How do I set up sales taxes?
Our Website Builder store manager allows you to manually set up taxes for any country. Then our system will automatically charge customers these taxes based on their location.To add taxes for different countries: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Store" option on the left-hand tool bar. Before adding tax information, you must add shipping zones that include the countries you want to set the tax for. After you have added the shipping zones, click the "Tax" tab and you should see the countries that you added as shipping zones listed. Click on the country to set the tax rate. If the country you have selected has different states or provinces, our system will also allow you to set different taxes for each. Enter the regional tax for your state or province and then use the drop down to either add it to the country tax, use it instead of the country tax, or compound it on top of the country tax. *See examples below. Click the "Save" button to finalize your changes. *Tax examples: Add to country tax: If country tax is 5% and regional tax is 2%, total tax would be 7%. On an order of $100, customer would pay $7 tax. Instead of country tax: If country tax is 5% and regional tax is 2%, tax would be 2%. On an order of $100, customer would pay $2 tax. Compounded on top of country tax: If country tax is 5% and regional tax is 2%, on an order of $100 the customer would pay $5 for country tax. Then the regional tax would be based on the order total + country tax, which is $105 in this example. 2% of $105 is an additional $2.10 in tax, resulting in a total of $7.10 in taxes for the order. You will need to purchase our Website Builder Pro Plan in order to get access to our store manager feature.Does your Website Builder store manager automatically know the taxes for my location?
Yes, our Website Builder's store manager has a built in shipping system within our editor. You can ship to every country in the world. Our system allows you to define your shipping rates based on shipping zones. You can add shipping zones that you want to ship to within our editor.To add a shipping zone, follow these instructions: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Store" option on the left-hand tool bar. Click on the shipping tab. Click "Add shipping zone". Enter the zone name (this is for internal use and can be whatever you want). Then, enter the country you want to ship to. A list of countries should show below. Once you've selected a country, the system may also show states or provinces below the country name. If you don't want to include a certain state or province, you can click on it to remove it. Once you are done, a "Shipping Rate" section should appear below. To add shipping rates follow these instructions: Follow the instructions above, then click on "Add Shipping Rate". Choose what you want to base your shipping on from the drop down. Options are free shipping, based on order price, and based on order weight. Give your shipping rate a name (this name will be displayed to the customer at checkout). Depending on what you've selected from the drop down, you will either have a place to input the minimum weight or minimum price and maximum weight or maximum price. If you want your maximum weight or price to be unlimited, use the unlimited toggle under "Maximum". Finally, input the shipping cost and click the "Save" button. You can enter as many shipping rates as you want for each shipping zone. After saving your shipping rate, you should be returned to the "Shipping Zone" page. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of this page to save your changes. Please note that you will need to set up shipping zones before you can set up taxes.You will need to purchase our Website Builder Pro Plan in order to get access to our store manager feature.
Our Website Builder's store manager supports shipping to every country in the world. You have to manually choose the shipping zone that you want to ship to within our editor. You can also add tax rates for each country you plan to sell your products.Please note that our e-commerce store manager is only available with our Website Builder Pro Plan.Learn how to add specific shipping zones