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  • What is the difference between refunding an order and cancelling an order in your Website Builder store manager?

    Our Website Builder store manager makes it easy to manage orders from your online store. The store manager is available with our Website Builder Pro plan.Cancelling an order can only be done before the product is shipped or "fulfilled" as our system calls it. Cancelling an order will automatically refund the customer in the full amount - including any shipping or taxes paid.Refunding an order is really more like returning an order. You can only use our refund tool after an order has been shipped or fulfilled. This tool allows you to refund part of an order (cancelling an order only refunds the full amount). For example, if someone ordered two products, but only wanted to return one, you could refund them for the product they are returning only. Our system also gives the choice whether or not to refund the shipping. How do I view my orders? How do I cancel an order? How do I refund an order?

  • How do I cancel a customer's order within your Website Builder's store manager?

    Our Website Builder store manager makes it easy to manage your orders. Cancelling an order will automatically refund your customer in full. To cancel an order, please follow these instructions: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Store" option on the left-hand tool bar. Click on the orders tab. Pending orders will be the default selection when you land on this page. Click on the order you want to cancel. Click on the "cancel" button. If you want our system to "restock" the items back into your inventory, make sure to check off "the claimed quantity for products in this order will be restocked back to your store." If you want to send out an "order cancelled" email to your customer, make sure you check off "send a notification email to the customer." Click "Confirm" to cancel the order or "Cancel" to cancel the cancellation of the order. Once you have confirmed the cancellation of your customer's order, our system will refund them in full. What is the difference between refunding an order and cancelling an order?

  • Where can I see my Website Builder store manager's orders?

    We make it easy to track orders with our Website Builder's store manager. Please follow these steps to view your orders: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Store" option on the left-hand tool bar. Click on the orders tab. Here, you can choose to view "All orders", "Waitpay orders" or "Pending orders". The page will list the order number, date it was placed, customer info, customer email, total, payment status, and fulfillment status. To see more info about a specific order, simply click on the order. Please note that access to our store manager feature is only available through our Website Builder Pro plan.

  • How do I refund a customer's order within your Website Builder's store manager?

    Our Website Builder store manager makes it easy to manage your orders. The store manager is available with our Website Builder Pro plan.There are two ways to refund a customer's order. If you have not yet shipped or fulfilled the customer's order, you simply need to cancel it and it will be automatically refunded in full.If the order has already been fulfilled and/or the refund is for a return, then you can follow the steps below to refund the order: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Store" option on the left-hand tool bar. Click on the orders tab. Pending orders will be the default selection when you land on this page. If the order is not listed here, use the drop down to select "All Orders." Click on the order you want to refund. Click on the "refund" button. There is a "refund" box where you can enter the amount that will be refunded. This allows you to control the amount of refund you are giving the customer. If you want to send out an "order refunded" email to your customer, make sure you check off "send a notification email to the customer." Click "Confirm" to refund the order or "Cancel" to cancel the cancel the refund. Once you have confirmed the refund, our system will autoamtically refund the customer for the amount you entered. What is the difference between refunding an order and cancelling an order?

  • What are the variables that I can use for my Website Builder store manager's order notification emails?

    Our Website Builder's store manager offers sellers four custom order email templates to send to customers who purchase from their store. You can use variables within these templates that will fill in information automatically for you. They include: This will input the store name you entered in the "General" section of our commerce editor. Our system automatically assigns each order a number. This will input the order number within the email. We recommend using this variable in both the "order cancelled" email and the "order refunded" email as they should both include a refund amount for the customer's reference. This variable will stamp each order with a date and time based on the time zone selected under "General" and "Standards and formats" within the commerce editor. How do I edit my order emails?

  • Does your Website Builder store manager system offer a way to set up order notification emails?

    Yes! Our Website Builder's store manager feature makes it easy to automatically send out order confirmation emails. Within our editor, we have a built in system that allows you to customize the following order emails: Order Confirmation: Sent automatically to the customer after they place their order. Order Fulfilled: Sent to the customer when their order is fulfilled. Order Cancelled: Sent to the customer if their order is cancelled. Order Refunded: Sent to the customer if their order is refunded. Only the order confirmation email is sent automatically. The other three emails are optional: How do I send an order fulfilled email to a customer? How do I send an order cancelled email to a customer? How do I send an order refunded email to a customer? You will need to purchase our Website Builder Pro Plan in order to get access to our store managerand many additional features. How do I edit my store manager's automatic order emails? What are the variables that I can use for my Website Builder store manager's order notification emails?

  • How do I customize the order notifications that are sent to customers from my Website Builder store manager?

    Our Website Builder's Pro plan's built-in store manager also has a built-in email system that will send customers order notifications. The notifications include order confirmation, order cancelled, order refunded, and order fulfilled and each of them can be customized within our editor.Please follow these steps to customize your order notifications: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use. Click on the "Store" option on the left-hand tool bar. Select the "Notifications" tab and you should see the four email notification templates. Click on the one you want to edit and it should bring you to a page that shows the Email Subject, Email Title, and Email Body Message. You will see a preview of how it looks as you make changes. When you are satisfied with your message, be sure to click "Save" under the email template. What variables can I use in my order emails?

  • How do I send the order cancelled email notification from within your Website Builder's store manager?

    When you cancel an order within our Website Builder store manager, you'll be given the option to send an "order cancelled" email to your customer. This email is not sent out automatically.To send your customer an "order cancelled" email, please follow these steps: Go to the orders section of your store manager. Click on the order that you want to cancel. Click on the "Cancel" button. Check off the "Send a notification email to the customer" box. Click "Confirm" to cancel the order and send an order cancelled email to your customer. How do I edit my store manager's automatic order emails? What are the variables that I can use for my Website Builder store manager's order notification emails? What is the difference between refunding an order and cancelling an order?

  • How do I send the order fulfilled email notification from within your Website Builder's store manager?

    Our Website Builder store manager includes four customized order emails. Three of the four emails are optional to send and they can be used or not used on a per order basis.To send your customer an "order fulfilled" email, please follow these steps: Go to the orders section of your store manager. Click on the order that you want to fulfill. Click on the "Fulfill" button. Enter the shipping information including tracking number and carrier. Check off the "Send a confirmation email to the customer for this shipment" box. Click "Confirm" and an order fulfillment email with this information will be sent out to your customer. How do I edit my store manager's automatic order emails? What are the variables that I can use for my Website Builder store manager's order notification emails?

  • How do I send the order refunded email notification from within your Website Builder's store manager?

    When you refund a customer's order from within your Website Builder store manager, you will be given the option to send out a order refunded email to them.To send your customer an "order refunded" email, please follow these steps: Go to the orders section of your store manager. Click on the order that you want to cancel. Click on the "Cancel" button. Check off the "Send a notification email to the customer" box. Click "Confirm" to cancel the order and send an order cancelled email to your customer. How do I edit my store manager's automatic order emails? What are the variables that I can use for my Website Builder store manager's order notification emails? What is the difference between refunding an order and cancelling an order?

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