
Dynadot Help

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  • How do I set my account to a default privacy type?

    Our domain privacy service allows you to hide your personal contact information from showing up in the Whois database. We have two available privacy options: Partial privacy, which hides all of your personal information except your name. Full privacy, which hides all of your personal information including your name. To set your default privacy type in your account, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar, then click "Domain Defaults" from the drop-down menu. Select "Domain Privacy Level" Select either "Partial" or "Full" from the drop-down and click the "Save" button. NOTE: Saving your default privacy settings will only affect future domains you register with our privacy service. Follow these instructions if you want to change your privacy type for your domains. Unless otherwise specified, new domain registrations are already set to default to full privacy. Whois information is made public based on the domain name holders consent and privacy settings. Without consent, no information will be publicly listed in the Whois Lookup. To consent, please check your privacy settings.

  • What is the difference between full and partial domain privacy?

    Our domain privacy service allows you to hide your personal contact information from showing up in the public Whois database, protecting you from spammers and scammers. We offer two types of domain privacy options:Partial Domain Privacy replaces your address, phone number, and email address with Dynadot's contact information. The Registrant Organization will show as, "Dynadot Privacy Services". It does leave your name visible in the Whois database.Full Domain Privacy replaces your address, phone number, and email address with Dynadot's contact information. Your name will also be hidden and display "REDACTED FOR PRIVACY".Please note that full domain privacy is the default privacy setting. You can change your domain privacy type in your Dynadot account.Not sure what information is showing in the Whois database for your domain? You can do a Whois lookup for your domain to find out. Then, if needed, you can easily add privacy to an existing domain in your Dynadot account. Note: Whois information is made public based on the domain name holders consent and privacy settings. Without consent, no information will be publicly listed in the Whois Lookup. To consent, please check your privacy settings.

  • Which top-level domains (TLDs) do not allow domain privacy?

    Not all TLDs allow domain privacy. Here is a list of the TLDs we support that do not allow privacy: .US .IN .EU .IM .CN .UK .CA .DE .CO.IN .ORG.IN .COM.CN .BE .FR .AT .NYC .LT .NL .PL .PH .ORGANIC .BERLIN .NET.IN .IND.IN .GEN.IN .FIRM.IN .NET.CN .ORG.CN .COM.PL .NET.PL .ORG.PL .INFO.PL .BIZ.PL .CO.AT .OR.AT .COM.PH .NET.PH .ORG.PH .COM.IM .MOSCOW .NGO .VOTE .VOTO .ORG.LV .IT .COM.LV .ASN.LV .ID.LV .NET.LV .CONF.LV .LV .ORG.GG .NET.JE .ORG.JE .GG .DK .JE .CO.JE .NET.GG .CO.GG .ΕΥ .NZ .AC.NZ .CO.NZ .GEEK.NZ .GEN.NZ .HEALTH.NZ .KIWI.NZ .MAORI.NZ .NET.NZ .ORG.NZ .SCHOOL.NZ .TW .COM.TW .NET.TW .ORG.TW .GAME.TW .EBIZ.TW .CLUB.TW .IDV.TW .5G.IN .6G.IN .AI.IN .AM.IN .BIHAR.IN .BIZ.IN .BUSINESS.IN .CA.IN .CN.IN .COM.IN .COOP.IN .CS.IN .DELHI.IN .DR.IN .ER.IN .GUJARAT.IN .INFO.IN .INT.IN .INTERNET.IN .IO.IN .ME.IN .PG.IN .POST.IN .PRO.IN .TRAVEL.IN .TV.IN .UK.IN .UP.IN .US.IN .CO.ZA .ONG .RO .HK .CH .EC .COM.EC .NET.EC .INFO.EC .TECH.EC .PUB.EC .BAR.EC .K12.EC .ADM.EC .ART.EC .DISCO.EC .DOC.EC .FOT.EC .RRPP.EC .TUR.EC .UIO.EC .GYE.EC .CUE.EC .LI .NG .ORG.HK .NET.HK .AS .BAYERN .NRW .IE .MUSIC .LOCKER .SI .COM.NG .NET.NG .ORG.NG .I.NG .MOBI.NG Internationalized TLDs that don't allow privacy: .中国 .भारत .公司 .ભારત .москва .ਭਾਰਤ .网络 .ভারত .بھارت .कंपनी.भारत .இந்தியா .భారత్ .ею .公司.香港 .組織.香港 .網絡.香港 .香港 This list may not be complete as we are often launching new TLDs. You can see our full list of TLDs and then look down the "Privacy" column to see which TLDs allow privacy or not.Learn how to add privacy to a domain in your Dynadot account. If the domain does not allow privacy, you will receive an error message letting you know.

  • How do I add domain privacy to a domain in my Dynadot account?

    Want to add domain privacy to one of your domains? We have two available privacy options: Partial privacy, which hides all of your personal information except your name Full privacy, which hides all of your personal information including your name. You can easily add privacy within your Dynadot account by following these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Check the box next to the domain name(s) you wish to add privacy and click on the "Action" button. Choose "Privacy Settings" from the "Action" list. Select either "Partial" or "Full" privacy from the drop-down menu and click the "Save Settings" button to add privacy to your domain. NOTE: If you choose to use our domain privacy service, your personal information, including your name (when full privacy is enabled), email address, mailing address, and phone number, is replaced by our domain privacy service information and will not be sent to the central registry. This will also happen when we escrow your Whois data to the third party data escrow service as required by ICANN.If one of the domains selected does not allow privacy, or if any domains are expired, this will result in an error message. See a list of domains that do not allow privacy.

  • How do I turn off my domain privacy?

    Our domain privacy service replaces your personal contact information in the Whois database with ours, helping keep your information secure from spammers and scammers.To turn off your domain privacy, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. Check the box next to the domain name(s) whose privacy you wish to turn off and click on the "Action" button. Choose "Privacy Settings" from the "Action" list. Select "Off" in the drop-down menu. Press the "Save Settings" button to turn off domain privacy. Note: Whois information is made public based on the domain name holders consent and privacy settings. Without consent, no information will be publicly listed in the Whois Lookup. To consent, please check your privacy settings.Please be aware that it may take a few days for the Whois database to be updated to your altered Whois information. Learn more about domain privacy Learn how to add privacy to a domain See a list of domains that do not allow privacy

  • How do I know if a domain allows privacy?

    The majority of our top-level domains (TLDs) do allow domain privacy. However, due to central registry restrictions, some domains do not allow privacy. To see which domains do not allow privacy, you can either look at the "Privacy" column on our TLD page or you can check out this list of domains that do not allow privacy. Please note that the most up-to-date info can be found on our TLD page.Learn how to add privacy to a domain in your Dynadot account. If the domain does not allow privacy, you will receive an error message letting you know.

  • How do I change my domain privacy type?

    Dynadot supports domain privacy protection for free. We have two available domain privacy options that allow you to keep your personal contact information out of the Whois database: Partial privacy, which hides all of your personal information except your name. Full privacy, which hides all of your personal information including your name. To change your level of domain privacy, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar, then click "Manage Domains" in drop-down menu. Check the box next to the domain name(s) you wish to change. Click "Action", then click "Privacy Settings". Choose your preferred privacy level from the drop-down menu. Click on the "Save Settings" button to save your changes. You can also change your domain privacy in bulk and set your default privacy type for your account to be applied to future domains. Note: Whois information is made public based on the domain name holders consent and privacy settings. Without consent, no information will be publicly listed in the Whois Lookup. To consent, please check your privacy settings. Not all TLDs allow domain privacy. You can see our full list of TLDs and then look down the "Privacy" column to see which TLDs allow privacy or not.

  • How do I change my privacy to hide my name?

    We recently added the ability to hide your name (in addition to email, phone, and address) in our domain privacy service. Although new registrations with privacy will automatically default to full privacy, registrations that had privacy before the new privacy was added are set to partial privacy (meaning the name is not private). To change your domain privacy to full, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click "My Domains", then "Manage Domains" from the left-side menu bar. Check the box next to the domain name(s) you wish to change to full privacy. Click "Action", and select "Privacy Settings". Choose "Full" as the privacy status in the drop-down menu. Click on the "Save Settings" button to save your changes. NOTE: It may take a few days for the Whois database to be updated to your altered Whois information.

  • How do I add privacy to domains in bulk?

    Want to add domain privacy to your domains in bulk? We have two available privacy options: Partial privacy, which hides all of your personal information except your name. Full privacy, which hides all of your personal information including your name. You can easily add privacy to your domains in bulk by following these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click "My Domains", then "Manage Domains" from the left-side menu bar. Check the boxes next to the domain names to which you wish to add privacy. To select all your domains, check the box at the top of the frame. Choose "Privacy Settings" from the "Action" list. Select either "Partial" or "Full" privacy from the drop-down menu. Click on the "Save Settings" button to add privacy to your domains. If you choose to use our domain privacy service, your personal information (email address, mailing address, phone number, etc.) is replaced by our domain privacy service information, and will not be sent to the central registry. This will also happen when we escrow your Whois data to the third party data escrow service as required by ICANN.If one of the domains selected does not allow privacy, or if any domains are expired, this will result in an error message. See a list of domains that do not allow privacy.

  • How do I change my domain privacy in bulk?

    To change your domain privacy in bulk, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click "My Domains", then "Manage Domains" from the left-side menu bar. Check the boxes next to the domain names for which you wish to adjust privacy. To select all your domains, check the box at the top of the frame. Click "Action", then "Privacy Settings". Choose your desired privacy status in the drop-down menu. Click on the "Save Settings" button to save your changes. Note: Whois information is made public based on the domain name holders consent and privacy settings. Without consent, no information will be publicly listed in the Whois Lookup. To consent, please check your privacy settings.Please keep in mind that it may take a few days for Whois database to be updated to your altered Whois contacts.If you do not yet have privacy, and would like to add it for your domains, please refer to our help file on how to add domain privacy in bulk.

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