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Account Lock

  • How do I unlock my account?

    To unlock your Dynadot account, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Info" from the left-side menu bar then "Security" from the drop-down. On the "Security Settings" page, click the "Unlock Account" button. To unlock your account, you must enter your "Security PIN," which is a 4 digits number you specified when you created your account. If you have Google Authenticator and/or SMS authorized for your account, you will also need to enter your token code (Google Authenticator) and/or SMS code. Click on the "Unlock Account" button. Your account will be unlocked for one (1) hour before our system automatically locks it again for your security. While the account is unlocked, you will be able to change important account information.If you do not remember your "Security PIN," you can use the "Forgot Security PIN" link on the Unlock Account page to reset the Security PIN.If you lost your cellphone or otherwise no longer have access to your Google Authenticator and/or SMS, you can let us know by clicking "Lost Cellphone" on the Unlock Account page.Note: As of November 28th, 2023, our 'Birthday' account unlock system has changed to a 'security PIN' unlock code. By default, your security PIN will align with your previous birthday, following this format: month/day (MMDD).For example, if your birthday date was set to March 15, your new security code will be 0315.

  • What is the "Account Lock" feature?

    The "Account Lock" feature is a security feature used to prevent anyone from hijacking your domains and/or changing important account information. You are required to verify your identity before the system allows you to unlock your domains and/or change your account details.We recommend adding 2 step verification to your account to further enhance your account and domain security.Please note that if left unlocked, our system will automatically lock it again for your security after 1 hour. Note: As of November 28th, 2023, our 'Birthday' account unlock system has changed to a 'security PIN' unlock code. By default, your security PIN will align with your previous birthday, following this format: month/day (MMDD). For example, if your birthday date was set to March 15, your new security code will be 0315. If you do not remember the security PIN you need to request the security PIN to be reset.

  • Why do you need a Security PIN and secret question and answer from me?

    Dynadot takes your account security seriously. This is why we ask you to enter a secret question and answer as well as a "Security PIN" on your first login. The 4-digit security PIN should be easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess as we will ask for it during certain account functions such as editing your account info and unlocking your domains.If you do forget your Security PIN, you'll need to submit a forget Security PIN request.Your secret answer will be required when you request to reset the Security PIN so it should be something a stranger would not know about you. For example:Question: favorite food Answer: applePlease note that the secret question and answer can not be reset or modified once set, and your secret answer provided must be entered exactly as it was when you created it in the future. So, for the example above, "Apple" or "APPLE" would be seen as incorrect by our system. Important Update (Effective March 11, 2025): We are updating the secret question and answer system. If you previously set only one question, you can now choose 3 from a list of 10 updated options after unlocking your account. If your account was created after March 11, 2025, you will be prompted to set up three secret questions and answers during your first login. If you forget your Security PIN, you'll need to submit a forget Security PIN request, and you can choose which question to answer. If you enter an incorrect answer when resetting your Security PIN, you can attempt another secret question as a backup. However, please wait for an email from us before trying this.Want to add even more security to your account? Add Google Authenticator and/or SMS Authenticator to your account.When will I be required to enter my "Security PIN"?When will I be required to enter my secret answer and question?Forgot your "Security PIN"?

  • How do I submit a "Forgot Security PIN" request?

    Dynadot takes your account security seriously. This is why we ask you to enter a "Security PIN" on your first login. Please ensure you remember your "Security PIN" entered as it will be required when unlocking your account.Forgotten your "Security PIN"? No worries! Submit a "Forgot Security PIN" request to obtain a new Security PIN by following these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Info" from the left-side menu bar and click "Security" in the drop-down. Click on the "Unlock Account" button next to the "Account Lock" section. Click on the "Forgot Security PIN" link. Enter the answer to your secret question or select one of your secret questions if you have set up 3, and provide any additional information below. Please note that your secret answer must exactly match what you entered when you created it. Press the "Submit Request" button to submit your request. *Please make sure you remember your NEW security PIN requested. Our team works on these throughout the day, so please keep an eye on your email for updates. You may be asked to send in identification to prove you are the account owner. Note: As of November 28th, 2023, our 'Birthday' account unlock system has changed to a 'security PIN' unlock code. By default, your security PIN will align with your previous birthday, following this format: month/day (MMDD). For example, if your birthday date was set to March 15, your new security code will be 0315.

  • When will I be required to enter my “Security PIN”?

    As a part of our account security measures, when you initially login to your Dynadot account, we request that you establish a "Security PIN". This PIN serves as an additional layer of protection for your account and consists of a 4-digit number. It is important to choose a PIN that is easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.You will be asked to enter your "Security PIN" whenever you want to unlock your account. Reasons for unlocking your account include editing your account info and unlocking your domains.In addition to your "Security PIN" we also have options to add SMS Authentication and/or Google Authenticator, which we recommend doing to increase your account and domain security.Please note that if you forget your security PIN, you may be required to submit identification.

  • When will I be required to enter my secret question and answer?

    The first time you login to your Dynadot account, we ask you to set up a secret question and answer. This is a part of our account security.You will be asked to enter your secret answer if you forget Security PIN or lose your cellphone and cannot access either your SMS Authentication code or Google Authentication token code. As of March 11, 2025, our secret question and answer system has been updated to simplify things. If you previously set only one question, you can now choose 3 from a list of 10 updated options after unlocking your account. If your account was created after March 11, 2025, you will be prompted to set up three secret questions and answers during your first login. Please note that if you forget your secret answer, you will be required to submit identification.

  • How do I lock my account?

    If you've unlocked your account for any reason, our system will automatically re-lock it within one hour for security reasons. However, we recommend re-locking your account as soon as you no longer need to have it unlocked.If you're not sure if your account is locked or not, please check with these steps: Select "My Info" from the left-side menu bar and click "Security" in the drop-down. Under the "Security Settings", in "Account Lock" section, you may check to see if it is locked or unlocked. Press the "Lock Account Now" button if the account is unlocked.

  • How do I turn on the "Account Lock" feature?

    The "Account Lock" feature is on by default for your security. If you turned it off and want to turn it back on, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select “Security” from the "My Info" drop-down menu. Click on the "Lock Account Now" button. Please note that if you leave your account unlocked, our system will automatically lock it again for your security after 1 hour.

  • How do I update my secret question and answer?

    When you login to your Dynadot account for the first time, you were prompted to set up a secret question and answer as part of our account security measures. You will be asked to enter your secret answer if you forget your Security PIN, lose your cellphone and cannot access either your SMS Authentication code or Google Authentication token code, or if you lose your Security Key. Want to update your secret question and answer? No problem! As of March 11, 2025, we've made this process even easier! If you previously set just one question, you can now choose three from a list of ten updated options after unlocking your account. To update your secret questions and answers, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Click the "Now set them here" link in the notification banner at the top of your dashboard. If you haven't already unlocked your account, you'll be prompted to do so. Once unlocked, select your three questions from the drop-down menu and enter your unique answers. Click "Save" button to save your changes. Important Notes: Once set, the new secret questions and answers cannot be changed again. Choose answers you'll remember! These will help verify your account ownership if you ever lose access. This update allows you to have three secret questions. If you answer one incorrectly, you can answer a backup question if asked. For even better protection, we highly recommend adding two-factor authentication (2FA) to your account. It's an extra layer of security you won't want to miss! How do I unlock my account? How do I submit a "Forgot Security PIN" request? When will I be required to enter my secret question and answer?

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