
HelpDomainsSpecial TLDs.NGO/.ONG
.NGO domains require the registrant to be a valid Non-Governmental Organization or NGO. Below is more information about what that means:The Public Interest Registry (PIR) has worked closely with the global NGO community to develop a validation process for .NGO and .ONG registration. The following seven criteria are used to define an NGO for the purpose of validation: Focused on acting in the public interest: Whether in support of education or health, the environment or human rights, members of the community work for the good of humankind and/or the preservation of the planet and do not promote discrimination or bigotry. Non-profit making/non-profit-focused entities: While many NGOs and ONGs engage in commercial activities or generate revenue in support of their missions, members of the community do not recognize profits or retain earnings. Limited government influence: Recognizing that many NGO and ONG organizations have important interactions with government, not least for reasons of funding (which may include receipt of some government funding in support of their programs) members of the community decide their own policies, direct their own activities and are independent of direct government or political control. Independent actors: Members of the community should not be political parties nor should be a part of any government. Participation in the work of a NGO/ONG is voluntary. Active Organizations: Members of the community are actively pursuing their missions on a regular basis. Structured: Members of the community, whether large or small, operate in a structured manner (e.g., under bylaws, codes of conduct, organizational standards, or other governance structures.) Lawful: Members of the .NGO and .ONG community act with integrity within the bounds of law. Please note that "members of the community" above refers to members of the .NGO and .ONG community. NGOs and ONGs participating as members in this community must certify that they adhere to the above Eligibility Criteria. To view the full requirements, please visit this site.*PIR has determined that organizations formed under the laws of the People's Republic of China (or any territory thereof) do not meet the criteria "Limited Government Influence" and "Independent Actors." Accordingly, prospective registrants from China and its territories should not register .ngo and .ong bundles as they will not meet PIR's Eligibility Requirements. In the event PIR discovers that a .ngo and .ong bundle is registered by an organization organized under the laws of the People's Republic of China (or any territory thereof), PIR will delete the registration bundle for failing to meet our Eligibility Requirements.
Although we do support .NGO / .ONG domain registrations, we currently do not accept .NGO/.ONG transfers in to Dynadot.If you have a .NGO/.ONG domain registered at Dynadot, you can still transfer the domain away from us to another registrar that does accept .NGO/.ONG transfers in.