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The difference between account information and contact records is that your account information is used only for your Dynadot account while your contact records are used for the public Whois directory. If you edit your account information, it will only affect your account. It will not alter any of your Whois contact records. Therefore, it is possible to control what kind of contact information is displayed in the Whois directory while leaving your account information intact.*
Since contact records are used for the public Whois directory, if you wish to change your Whois information, you must edit your contact records instead of your account information. Changing your account information will not affect any of your contact records. Furthermore, users can create multiple contact records while each Dynadot account can have only one set of account information. So, one account can have four contact records, but only have one set of account information.
The only exception to this is when you create a new Dynadot account. When you create a new Dynadot account, your account information is used to create your first contact record. However, after your account has been created, both sets of information are stored and handled differently.
Please note that when you update your account information you may receive an Account Info Verification email and, similarly, when you update your contact record(s) you may receive a Whois Contact Record Verification email per ICANN requirements. All contact records must contain accurate information as stated in our Service Agreement.
*If you do not want your contact record information to show in the public Whois directory, you can use our domain privacy service.