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How do I update my secret question and answer?

When you login to your Dynadot account for the first time, you were prompted to set up a secret question and answer as part of our account security measures. You will be asked to enter your secret answer if you forget your Security PIN, lose your cellphone and cannot access either your SMS Authentication code or Google Authentication token code, or if you lose your Security Key.

Want to update your secret question and answer? No problem! As of March 11, 2025, we've made this process even easier! If you previously set just one question, you can now choose three from a list of ten updated options after unlocking your account.

To update your secret questions and answers, please follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
  2. Click the "Now set them here" link in the notification banner at the top of your dashboard.
  3. If you haven't already unlocked your account, you'll be prompted to do so. Once unlocked, select your three questions from the drop-down menu and enter your unique answers.
  4. Click "Save" button to save your changes.

Important Notes:

  • Once set, the new secret questions and answers cannot be changed again.
  • Choose answers you'll remember! These will help verify your account ownership if you ever lose access.
  • This update allows you to have three secret questions. If you answer one incorrectly, you can answer a backup question if asked.

For even better protection, we highly recommend adding two-factor authentication (2FA) to your account. It's an extra layer of security you won't want to miss!

How do I unlock my account?
How do I submit a "Forgot Security PIN" request?
When will I be required to enter my secret question and answer?

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