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How do I set up taxes for my Website Builder store manager?
Updated: 2024/03/10Viewed times: 15043
Our Website Builder store manager allows you to manually set up taxes for any country. Then our system will automatically charge customers these taxes based on their location.
Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the website builder you want to use.
Click on the "Store" option on the left-hand tool bar.
Before adding tax information, you must add shipping zones that include the countries you want to set the tax for.
After you have added the shipping zones, click the "Tax" tab and you should see the countries that you added as shipping zones listed.
Click on the country to set the tax rate.
If the country you have selected has different states or provinces, our system will also allow you to set different taxes for each.
Enter the regional tax for your state or province and then use the drop down to either add it to the country tax, use it instead of the country tax, or compound it on top of the country tax. *See examples below.
Click the "Save" button to finalize your changes.
*Tax examples:
Add to country tax: If country tax is 5% and regional tax is 2%, total tax would be 7%. On an order of $100, customer would pay $7 tax.
Instead of country tax: If country tax is 5% and regional tax is 2%, tax would be 2%. On an order of $100, customer would pay $2 tax.
Compounded on top of country tax: If country tax is 5% and regional tax is 2%, on an order of $100 the customer would pay $5 for country tax. Then the regional tax would be based on the order total + country tax, which is $105 in this example. 2% of $105 is an additional $2.10 in tax, resulting in a total of $7.10 in taxes for the order.
You will need to purchase our Website Builder Pro Plan in order to get access to our store manager feature.