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When you link text within our website builder, you may notice that there is an option labeled "Target" in the link settings pop up. Targeting allows you to control where the new page is displayed when the user clicks on your link. Here is a breakdown of what each link target setting means:
New Window (_blank) : This will open your link in a new window on the user's browser, keeping your website open in another window.
Topmost Window (_top) : If you are using iframe* on your website, this will open your link in the topmost or main window of the user's browser.
Same Window (_self) : If you are using iframe on your website, this will open the link within the same frame.
Parent Window (_parent) : If you are using iframe on your website, this will open your link one frame level from where it is located. For example, if you have 5 frames, your link will open in frame 4.
*iframe is a window within a window (aka a HTML document inside an HTML document). This is something that you would have to add to your website builder through our code editor. An example of an iframe is our webpage snapshot tool, which can be used to see an un-cached view of a website.