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We are one of the few registrars that supports grace deletion, also known as domain tasting, which allows registrants to "return" an unwanted domain name. This allows people to "taste" a domain by testing its traffic or simply seeing if it's the right fit for what they want.
Although not all domain extensions allow grace deletions, many of our most popular domains - including .COM, .NET, and .ORG - do. Most domain extensions that allow grace deletions offer a grace period of 2-5 days; however, some extensions have a limit the amount of grace deletions to 10% of that domain's registrations that month. When we are at our max limit, additional grace deletions are placed on a wait list and are then processed if the limit dips below the max. This means that we cannot guarantee that a grace deletion submission will be successful.
Learn how to submit a grace deletion request.
See our grace deletion chart to see which domain extensions allow grace deletions, their grace period, their limit rate, and their current rate.