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Domain forwarding redirects all visitors from one domain to another. It differs from other types of redirections, like HTML or script-based redirects, which typically redirect specific web pages within a domain or to a different website. When a user visits a domain that uses domain forwarding, they are automatically directed to the specified URL, and the original domain name entered by the user does not remain in the address bar. Instead, the forwarded URL is displayed.
There are three common types of forwarding: domain forwarding, stealth forwarding, and email forwarding. Dynadot provides all three forwarding types free of charge for domains you register or transfer to us.
Domain Forwarding:
Check here on how to set up domain forwarding.
Stealth Forwarding:
Stealth forwarding is similar to domain forwarding except the domain name stays in the web browser's URL bar instead of being replaced by the new page's URL.
Check here on how to set up stealth forwarding.
Email Forwarding:
Email forwarding allows you to automatically redirect incoming emails from your domain email address to the designated recipient's email account.
Check here on how to set up email forwarding.