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Internationalized country code top-level domains (IDN ccTLDs) are ccTLDs that use their native country's non-Latin script. For example, China's ccTLD is .CN and its IDN ccTLD is .中国, which translates to "China" in Chinese. Unlike the ccTLDs, which are based on ISO country codes, IDN ccTLDs have more variation in their set up - some are codes and some are full words.
In addition to IDN ccTLDs, which are specifically tied to a country, there are also IDN TLDs, which are more general. Both of these types of TLDs help open up the Internet to more people from around the world who do not speak or read a Latin-based language.
There are also IDNs or Internationalized Domain Names, which refer to the section of the domain name that is to the left of the dot. Both ASCII and non-ASCII character TLDs offer IDN registrations.
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