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The most likely reason your SSL order is still processing and has not been completed is lack of verification. All SSL orders require verification.
If you chose Email Validation a verification email will be sent out to an email address associated with your domain name, most likely [email protected].
In some cases, this email may not exist, which would explain why you didn't receive this email. We can resend the SSL verification email for you, but there is only a limited list of emails that it can be sent to:
If none of these emails exist for your domain, we recommend setting one up and then having us resend the verification email to you. If your domain is with Dynadot, you can follow these steps to set up email forwarding for free.
If you chose TXT Validation you will find the TXT value in the "SSL Order Status" section of your Dynadot account. Once you have added the TXT record, give it a little time to propagate, then go back to your "SSL Order Status" section and request verification. If the correct TXT record is found, your SSL order will be validated. Your certificate will then be issued in about an hour.