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There are a couple of options when it comes to setting up email addresses for your domain. Choosing the right option really depends on how you're planning to use your domain email and how much you want to spend.
Each domain registered at Dynadot comes with up to 10 free domain email addresses that you can set up with our email forwarding service. Email forwarding allows you to receive email to an address on your domain name, for example [email protected]. The email is then forwarded to an existing email such as your Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, or another service. This option is free, but the main drawback is that you can't respond with your domain email address, you can only receive messages. There are also a few additional limitations to our email forwarding service.
Our Email plan offers you unlimited email accounts for your domain and you're able to both send and receive messages with your domain email address. Our Email service features a custom built control panel, but you can also choose to set up your email with any email client. This allows you the ability to check your email from anywhere - including your phone or tablet! This option isn't free, but it's cheap - only $20/year!