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.SCOT registrants are required to state their intended use of the registered domain name (such as: offering commercial services in Scotland, private use, promoting services to Scottish people in Australia, etc.). The "Intended Use" field will be presented to you upon checkout. A false statement of intended use is an indication of bad faith and can be the basis for the suspension of the domain name.
To register a .SCOT domain, you must be an individual or a legal entity with a nexus to the .SCOT community. This nexus means that you must be linked to the community at the time of registration and thereafter on a linguistic, cultural, tourism, or business basis, or any other activity conducive to the welfare of the worldwide Scottish community.
In addition to the requirement that the .SCOT Registrant is a bona-fide member of the Scottish community, the Registrant's use of the registered domain name must be:
You can also access the "Intended Use" of your .SCOT domain from your Dynadot account.