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How do I register my own name servers (glue records)?
Updated: 2023/10/30Viewed times: 21230
Glue records associate a hostname with an IP address. They are needed when you want to set your domain's name servers to a hostname that is a subdomain of your domain.
To create your own name servers for a domain registered at Dynadot, please follow these steps:
Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Name Servers" in the drop-down.
Click on the "Register Name Server" button in the top right corner of the page.
Enter the host name (, for example) in the text box labeled "Host Name".
Enter the IP address for the name server in the text box labeled "IP Address".
Press the "Register Name Server" button to save your changes.
You can submit either an IPv4 or IPv6 IP address (except .WS domains, which do not support IPv6 addresses). You can also set multiple IP addresses. Please remember to configure your name servers with the corresponding A records. This would be done in your hosting control panel rather than your Dynadot account.
Your settings should look similar to what is shown below:
NOTE: Custom domain name servers (glue records) can only be registered at Dynadot if the domain is registered here. If you are trying to register a name server for, for example, and is registered with a third party, you would not be able to create glue records with Dynadot.
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