
There are a few potential reasons why you could not be receiving email from us. Since we send you emails about renewing your domains, we recommend making sure you use an accessible email address as your account email. We also do not recommend using one attached to a domain within your account because you won't be able to access that email if your domain expires.
First, you should check your Dynadot account email to make sure it is spelled correctly and is the email address you want to use.
If your email address was not correct, you can contact our support team at [email protected] to have your missing emails resent.
If your email was correct, you should check your spam filter. Our emails often end up in the spam folder for Yahoo and Hotmail, and sometimes for Gmail as well. You may need to scroll down in your spam folder as spammers often set a date in the future, so their emails appear at the top. Please be aware that Hotmail sometimes loses emails or delivers them several days late. If our emails were in your spam folder, you should mark them as not spam and add our email to your contact list.
If you aren't receiving email because your account email is from a domain that has expired in your account, we recommend renewing your domain and changing your email to something else. The reason for this is, if your domain is expired and you forget your password, it will be more difficult for you to regain access to your account.
Please note that you can also contact our support team via private message from within your Dynadot account. You will need to enter our forum name, teamdynadot, in the "To" section.