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Dynadot is one of the few registrars that supports domain grace deletions; however, we can not guarantee that any domain will be able to be grace deleted. If your grace deletion request has not been processed, it is most likely because the domain is at its maximum rate (10%). This rate is based on how many domains we register per month versus the number of domains we grace delete per month. This rate is set by the domain's central registry and cannot be changed by us. When a domain is at its maximum rate, additional grace deletion requests are added to a wait list. As the rate adjusts, our system then process the wait list in the order received.
Please note that some domain extensions do not have a maximum rate. This is noted on our grace deletion page by "no limit" under the maximum rate column. If the domain you're trying to grace delete does not have a maximum rate, then there could be an issue with your request and you should email us at [email protected].