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Our domain privacy service allows you to hide your personal contact information from showing up in the public Whois database, protecting you from spammers and scammers. We offer two types of domain privacy options:
Partial Domain Privacy replaces your address, phone number, and email address with Dynadot's contact information. The Registrant Organization will show as, "Dynadot Privacy Services".
It does leave your name visible in the Whois database.
Full Domain Privacy replaces your address, phone number, and email address with Dynadot's contact information. Your name will also be hidden and display "REDACTED FOR PRIVACY".
Please note that full domain privacy is the default privacy setting. You can change your domain privacy type in your Dynadot account.
Not sure what information is showing in the Whois database for your domain? You can do a Whois lookup for your domain to find out. Then, if needed, you can easily add privacy to an existing domain in your Dynadot account.
Note: Whois information is made public based on the domain name holders consent and privacy settings. Without consent, no information will be publicly listed in the Whois Lookup. To consent, please check your privacy settings.