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Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down.
Check the box next to your domain name and click on the "Action" button.
Choose "DNS Settings" from the "Action" list.
On the DNS Settings page, select the "Dynadot DNS" setting from the top drop-down menu.
At the bottom of the page, toggle the button to enable the Dynamic DNS feature.
You can click on the "Generate Password" button to generate a password that will be used during the Dynamic DNS client configuration process or in the URL.
Press the "Save Settings" button to save your changes.
Now that you have enabled Dynamic DNS for your domain. Next, you can choose to use DNS Client Github, or the URL to update your IP.
Configure DNS client Github
On the DNS settings page, click on the "Github" link after you enabled Dynamic DNS, and you will be forwarded to Github website. You can download and install the client following the instructions there.
Method: GET Parameters: - domain (required): domain name, example: - subDomain: subdomains'host, example: www, abc, sub1... - type (required): record type, A/AAAA - ip (required): IPv4/IPv6 address. - pwd (required): domain's ddns password. - ttl: time to live, use second as unit. example: 300 options: "5 min": 300; "10 min": 600; "30 min": 1800; "1 hour": 3600; "2 hours": 7200; "4 hours": 14400; "8 hours": 28800. - containRoot: true/false. (If you just want to set for sudomain, please set it to false.)
After it's completed, you will see logs confirming the successful addition of the domain(s). If you return to your Dynadot account and check the DNS settings for your domain, you will notice that the A or AAAA records have been automatically updated.
Your domain must be set to Dynadot DNS to use Dynamic DNS.
Each domain has a unique password and it can be set for its subdomains.
Enabling Dynamic DNS will replace any conflicting DNS records, such as Forwarding, Stealth Forwarding, CNAME, ANAME, etc., with A/AAAA records specifically for your domain.
For implementing Dynamic DNS, we recommend using the Dynamic DNS client available at the GitHub repository here.
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