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How do I configure my Disqus account to work with my Website Builder?

Our Website Builder uses Disqus for our blog comments. Disqus is a blog comment hosting service that helps you engage your audience, retain your readers, and see your success. Disqus is already installed on all of our Website Builders, but you will also need to create an account and set it up it within your Website Builder as well. To get started, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Disqus website.
  2. Enter your name and email address.
  3. Select "I want to install Disqus on my site".
  4. Enter your website name. For example, http://sitebuilder677.dynadot.com .
  5. Select your category and press the "Create Site" button.
  6. Select your plan (Basic is free).
  7. Skip step 2 as Disqus is already installed on our website builder platform.
  8. Select option 3 "Configure Disqus ".
  9. Enter your Website URL and press the "Next" button.
  1. Complete Comment and Moderation Settings and click on "Complete Setup".
  2. Copy your website short name shown in General settings.
  3. Enter that in your Dynadot Website Builder blog settings.

Your blog comments should work after some time.

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