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Yes, we have an awesome domain backorder service available in our marketplace!
We offer backorders for various top-level domains: .COM, .NET, .ORG, .CO and more! Locate your desired TLD on our backorder page using the Filter button.
You can place a domain backorder request for a domain that is pending deletion if you have completed at least one successful order with us in the last 365 days and haven't been banned from our auctions. If you don't qualify for the former, you can prepay into your account now. You will also need to set your marketplace default payment settings in your account.
After you place a domain backorder, we will try to catch the domain as it drops, but we cannot guarantee that will catch it for you. If we do catch it and you're the only person who placed a backorder request, then an order will be created for you and you will have 47 hours to pay for the domain. Then, the domain will be placed in your account once your order is complete. If you do not pay for the domain, you will be banned from our auctions. In the case of multiple backorder requests, there will be a backorder auction.
Have your eye on a domain, but don't see it in our backorders yet? Add it to your domain watch list!