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How do I add account credit to my Dynadot account?
Updated: 2023/11/07Viewed times: 17448
Account credit can be paid into your Dynadot account to be used for future orders with us. Using account credit has several benefits including faster order processing and, in some cases, discounted pricing. Plus, it never expires!
To add account credit to your account, you need to submit a prepay order:
Choose the currency you'd like to use for your prepayment by using the drop-down menu located at the bottom left corner of the page. Please note that yourdefault currencymust match the currency of your account credit to be able to use it for an order.
Enter the amount of money you'd like to prepay into your account. The minimum prepay amount is $5 USD.
Click on the "Credit Account" button. The item will be added to your shopping cart at the top right corner of the page.
To checkout, click on the shopping cart and then click the "Checkout" button.
Our system will take you through the check out process to submit your order.
You will receive an "Order Finished" email from us when your order has finished processing. Once it has finished processing, you should see your Account Credit updated.
Please note that any money you add to your account will be non-refundable. This is clearly stated in our Service Agreement, Part 1, Section 1.
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