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What is a domain investor or domainer?

A domain investor, also known as a domainer, is someone that registers domains as an investment. Domains are Internet real estate and there is only one of each domain name available per top-level domain (TLD), i.e. there is only one dynadot.com. Since we own dynadot.com, the only way for someone else to own this domain is to purchase it from us or to try and register it if we don't renew it and it becomes available again.

A domain investor registers domains they deem valuable with the hope to resell them for more money to an interested party. There have been many valuable domains sold over the years - some for millions. The most expensive domain sold (as of this writing) is CarInsurance.com for $49.7 million.

If you're interested in learning more about domain investing or potentially getting into the domain investing world, check out our detailed guide on domain investing that covers the topic in much more detail.

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