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  • How do I create events using the Website Builder’s calendar?

    Our Website Builder calendar tool allows you to easily keep track of your events. Furthermore, with this tool, you can keep your customers informed about the upcoming events that you are hosting.

    To add a new event to your calendar, please follow these instructions:

    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. Select "My Websites" from the left-side menu bar.
    3. Click on the "Edit Site" button next to the Website Builder you want to use.
    4. Locate your calendar on the website. If you haven't added it yet, please go here to learn how to do it.
    5. There are two ways you can add events. The first one is by clicking the "Create" button in the top left corner of the calendar. The second one is by clicking on the date of choice on the calendar itself. The only difference between these two methods is that if you use the second one, the "Date & Time" field will be automatically filled out, based on the day you previously selected on the calendar. However, you are free to edit this information afterwards.
    6. Regardless of which method you choose, a small window will pop up. In it, please make sure you are in the "Event" tab.
    7. Fill out the needed information, such as title, date & time and description.
    8. Click on the "Save" button at the top-right of the box to save the event.
    9. To save your changes, click on the "Save" button at the top right of the page.

    Once the changes propagate, people who visit your website will be able to see this event on your calendar.

    You can also make appointments on the calendar. To learn how to do that, please go here.

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