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  • AbuseShield

    • What is AbuseShield?

      AbuseShield is an exciting, powerful new tool that provides impersonation and phishing protection to any registered domain name that it is tied to. To protect the domain, AbuseShield will identify harmful variant domain names that may be used by nefarious entities and automatically blocks them from being registered, guarding your brand from being misrepresented. If the malicious look-a-like domains are already registered, AbuseShield will automatically catch the domain for you when they become available at no additional cost. Using AbuseShield will help keep your brand and online presence secure, ensuring that your site visitors don't get deceived by individuals that attempt to mimic your online presence or utilize domain abuse. To add AbuseShield to a domain name, you can either apply it to the domain during the registration checkout process, or it can be applied to an existing domain in your Dynadot account by following these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. In the "Domains" column, click on the name of the domain name you want to apply AbuseShield protection to. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the "Abuse Shield" section. Click on the 'Add' button on the right side of the page. This will add the AbuseShield protection for that domain into your cart. Click on your shopping cart and follow the "Checkout" buttons to submit your order. You can also add/renew the AbuseShield for your domain in your shopping cart if there's a renewal item for the same domain. Supported Domain Extensions AbuseShield is only available for the following top-level domains: .INFO .PRO .BIO .LIVE .LIFE .TODAY .WORLD .GROUP .DIGITAL .LTD .BOND .CFD .SBS .CYOU .ICU

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