
Dynadot Help

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  • AyudaLos dominiosPolítica de privacidad.

    Política de privacidad.

    • How do I consent to allow my personal information to be listed in the Whois Lookup?

      As an ICANN Accredited domain registrar, Dynadot must follow the rules set forth by ICANN, the regulatory body responsible for managing the domain name system (DNS). One of these requirements is to collect personal contact information including your email address, phone number, and mailing address with each domain registered with us. This information is then made available in the public Whois database. If you wish to have your information publicly viewable in the Whois database you must consent to do so. Without consent, no information will be publicly listed in the Whois database. To consent to have your information listed in the Whois, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar, then click "Manage Domains" in drop-down menu. Check the box next to the domain name(s) you wish to allow your information listed in the Whois. Click "Action", then click "Privacy Settings". Turn the toggle on next to "Display my Whois information publicly according to my domain privacy level setting". Click on the "Save Settings" button to save your changes. You can change your domain privacy in bulk and set your default privacy type for your account to be applied to future domains.

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