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Por favor, actualice el texto y proporcioneme el nuevo texto para poder traducirlo al español.: 2024/03/27Visto veces: 12938
We're excited to announce the launch of Parkbot, a tool that helps you track daily data when using third-party parking services! Follow these steps to create a report:
From the left-side menu, select "My Parking" and click "Reports" from the drop-down menu. If you haven't added any parking accounts, add one before proceeding.
Choose the group, filter, and services you want to include in the report.
Select the desired date ranges for the report.
Click "View Report" to generate the report. You can also export the report as a CSV file, which will be downloaded automatically.
The report includes data for domains registered in your Dynadot account only.
The report does not include data for domains that are set to Dynadot Parking.