Request ParameterExplanation
Request Parameter
KeyYour key to access the API, available in your Dynadot account control panel under the 'Tools' -> 'API' sidebar menu.
, , , , , ,
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
, , , ,
, contact:
, , , , , ,
, , Nameserver:
, , , , , , , Account:
, , , , , , , , , , , , Folder:
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Aftermarket:
, ,
, , , ,
, , , , , , , , Other:
, , , , , , XML format. The response you receive should contain 2 or 3 of the following fields:
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Search Command
If calling the search command, the following parameters should be included:
Search Request ParameterExplanation
Search Request Parameter
domain0 - domain99The domain name you are searching for, regular account can specify 1 domain per command, bulk and super bulk account can specify up to 100 domains
language0 - language99 (optional)The language tag for the respective domain, only use this for IDNs
show_price (optional)If you want to show the price in your account currency, set it equal to "1".
currency (optional)You can decide the currency type and this parameter supported are "USD","CNY", "GBP","EUR","INR","CAD" and so on.If you missed this parameter,we will use the account default currency
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<Results></Results>The root node of the XML response of search command
<SearchResponse></SearchResponse>Tag of search response
<SearchHeader></SearchHeader>Tag of search header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<DomainName></DomainName>The domain name you have just searched
<Available></Available>If the domain name is available
<Price></Price>If you set"show_price" equal to "1", this will tell you the price info if this domain is available.
<Language></Language>Language information about the domain name
Search ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=search&¤cy=USD
Response (XML format)<Results>
<Price>77.00 in USD</Price>
<Price>44.00 in USD</Price>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=search&¤cy=USD
Response (JSON format){
"Price":"77.00 in USD"
"Price":"44.00 in USD"
Register Command
Calling the register command will create and process a registration order. You must have enough account balance to pay for the order. If calling the register command, the following parameters should be included:
Register Request ParameterExplanation
Register Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to register, only 1 domain can be registered per request
language (optional)The language tag for the requested domain, only needed if the domain is an IDN
durationHow long to register the domain for
registrant_contact (optional)The registrant contact you want to use on the domain
admin_contact (optional)The admin contact you want to use on the domain
technical_contact (optional)The technical contact you want to use on the domain
billing_contact (optional)The billing contact you want to use on the domain
option0 (if necessary)
The .AT, .BE, registrant name
option1 (if necessary)The .AT, .BE, registrant organization (optional)
For .AT, you can specify either option0, option1, or both
premium (optional)If you want to register a premium domain, set it equal to "1" (optional)
currency (optional)You can decide the currency type and this parameter supported are "USD","CNY", "GBP","EUR","INR","CAD" and so on.If you missed this parameter,we will use the account default currency
coupon (optional)The coupon code you want to apply to this command
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<RegisterResponse></RegisterResponse>Tag of register response
<RegisterHeader></RegisterHeader>Tag of register header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<RegisterContent></RegisterContent>The tag of register content
<Expiration></Expiration>Expiration date in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970), only used when result is "success"
<Registration></Registration>Registration date in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970), only used when result is "success"
Register Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=register&¤cy=USD
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=register&¤cy=USD
Response (JSON format){
"RegisterResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"DomainName": "",
"Expiration": 1458379145266
Delete Command
Calling the delete command will delete a domain that is still in the grace period. Your account balance will be credited back the registration fee. Domains that have been renewed, or that have been moved to a new account cannot be deleted through the API. If calling the delete command, the following parameters should be included:
Delete Request ParameterExplanation
Delete Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to delete, only 1 domain can be deleted per request
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<DeleteResponse></DeleteResponse>Tag of delete response
<DeleteHeader></DeleteHeader>Tag of delete header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Delete Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=delete&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=delete&
Response (JSON format){
"DeleteResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"DomainName": ""
Renew Command
Calling the renew command will create and process a renewal order. You must have enough account balance to pay for the order. If calling the renew command, the following parameters should be included:
Renew Request ParameterExplanation
Renew Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to renew, only 1 domain can be renewed per request
durationHow many years to renew the domain for
year (optional)The current year the domain expires
currency (optional)You can decide the currency type and this parameter supported are "USD","CNY", "GBP","EUR","INR","CAD" and so on.If you missed this parameter,we will use the account default currency
price_check (optional)You can add this parameter to the command to check the price detail for renewing this domain. NOTE: Adding this parameter to command, our api will not renew the domain, but only display the price info.
coupon (optional)The coupon code you want to apply to this command
no_renew_if_late_renew_fee_needed (optional)You can add this parameter to the command to avoid the renewal if the domain requires late renewal fee. If domain does requires late renew fee to renew, and "no_renew_if_late_renew_fee_needed = 1" was passed in command, domain will not be renewed.
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<RenewResponse></RenewResponse>Tag of renew response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<RenewHeader></RenewHeader>Renew header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<PriceInfo></PriceInfo>Tag of price info, it's only used when status is "price_check_success"
<RenewContent></RenewContent>Tag of renew content, it's only used when status is "success"
<Expiration></Expiration>Expiration date in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970), only used when result is "success"
Renew ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&¤cy=USD&coupon=testcoupon
Response (XML format)<RenewResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&¤cy=USD&coupon=testcoupon
Response (JSON format){
Push Command
Calling the push command will create and process a push order. You must unlock your domain and account for the order. Receiver account need to reject/accept the domain to complete the order. If calling the push command, the following parameters should be included:
Push Request ParameterExplanation
Push Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to push. We also support bulk push, you can use ";" to split domains. Example:;
receiver_push_usernamePush Username of receiver account
currency (optional)You can decide the currency type and this parameter supported are "USD","CNY", "GBP","EUR","INR","CAD" and so on.If you missed this parameter,we will use the account default currency
unlock_domain_for_push(optional)Set this parameter equal to "1". If the domain is locked, we will automatically unlock it, so you don't have to manually unlock the domain
receiver_email(optional)Push email of receiver account
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<PushResponse></PushResponse>Tag of push response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<PushHeader></PushHeader>Push header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Push ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=push&¤cy=USD
Response (XML format)<PushResponse>
<Status>order created</Status>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=push&¤cy=USD
Response (JSON format){
"Status":"order created"
Transfer Command
Calling the transfer command will create and process a transfer order. Some tlds may require losing registrar to confirm to complete the order. If calling the transfer command, the following parameters should be included:
Transfer Request ParameterExplanation
Transfer Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to transfer in to Dynadot, only 1 domain can be transferred per request
authThe authorization code for the transfer request.
currency (optional)You can decide the currency type and this parameter supported are "USD","CNY", "GBP","EUR","INR","CAD" and so on.If you missed this parameter,we will use the account default currency
registrant_contact (optional)The registrant contact that you want to use when transfer completed. (Not all tld supports this feature)
admin_contact (optional)The admin contact that you want to use when transfer completed. (Not all tld supports this feature)
technical_contact (optional)The technical contact that you want to use when transfer completed. (Not all tld supports this feature)
billing_contact (optional)The billing contact that you want to use when transfer completed. (Not all tld supports this feature)
premium (optional)If you want to transfer a premium domain, set it equal to "1" (optional)
privacy (optional)The privacy status of the domain you want to set, it can be "on" or "off". The account default privacy level will be applied if incorrect or no input given
name_servers (optional)The list of name servers to apply to the domain once the transfer is complete. You can use "," to split name servers. Example:,
coupon (optional)The coupon code you want to apply to this command
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<TransferResponse></TransferResponse>Tag of transfer response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<TransferHeader></TransferHeader>Transfer header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Transfer Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=transfer&¤cy=USD&coupon=testcoupon
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Status>order created</Status>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=transfer&¤cy=USD&coupon=testcoupon
Response (JSON format){
"TransferResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "order created",
"DomainName": "",
"OrderId": "1234567"
Bulk Register Command
Calling the bulk register command will create and process registration orders. You must have enough account balance to pay for the orders. If calling the bulk register command, the following parameters should be included:
Bulk Register Request ParameterExplanation
Bulk Register Request Parameter
domain0-domain99The domain name(s) you want to register, maximum 100 domains can be registered per request
premium (optional)If you want to register a premium domain, set it equal to "1" (optional)
currency (optional)You can decide the currency type and this parameter supported are "USD","CNY", "GBP","EUR","INR","CAD" and so on. If you missed this parameter,we will use the account default currency
coupon (optional)The coupon code you want to apply to this command
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<BulkRegisterResponse></BulkRegisterResponse>Tag of bulk register response
<BulkRegisterHeader></BulkRegisterHeader>Tag of bulk register header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<BulkRegisterContent></BulkRegisterContent>The tag of bulk register content
<Expiration></Expiration>Expiration date in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970), only used when result is "success"
<Result></Result>The result of the register action
<Message></Message>Error message of register action, only used when result is "error"
Bulk Register Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=bulk_register&¤cy=USD
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=bulk_register&¤cy=USD
Response (JSON format){
"BulkRegisterResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"BulkRegister": [
"DomainName": "",
"Expiration": "1234567890",
"Result": "success",
"Message": "-"
"DomainName": "",
"Expiration": "-",
"Result": "error",
"Message": "not_available"
Domain Info Command
This command is only available in XML and JSON format:
Domain Info Request ParameterExplanation
Domain Info Request Parameter
domainOnly 1 domain permitted per request
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<DomainInfoResponse></DomainInfoResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<DomainInfoResponseHeader></DomainInfoResponseHeader>Response header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<DomainInfoContent></DomainInfoContent>Response content
<Name></Name>Domain's name
<Expiration></Expiration>Domain expiration date in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
<Registration></Registration>Domain registration date in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
<NameServerSettings></NameServerSettings>Domain's name server settings
<Type></Type>Domain's name server type
<WithAds></WithAds>If you want a parking page for your domain
<Whois></Whois>Whois information
<Registrant></Registrant>Registrant information
<ContactId></ContactId>Contact Id
<Admin></Admin>Admin information
<Technical></Technical>Technical information
<Billing></Billing>Billing information
<Locked></Locked>Locked or not
<Disabled></Disabled>Enable status
<UdrpLocked></UdrpLocked>Udrp locked or not
<UdrpLocked></UdrpLocked>Udrp locked or not
<RegistrantUnverified></RegistrantUnverified>Registrant unverified
<Privacy></Privacy>Privacy status
<isForSale></isForSale>Sale status
<RenewOption></RenewOption>Renew option
<Folder></Folder>Folder information
<FolderId></FolderId>Folder ID
<FolderName></FolderName>Folder name
Domain Information ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=domain_info&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Type>Dynadot Parking</Type>
<RenewOption>no renew option</RenewOption>
<FolderName>(no folder)</FolderName>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=domain_info&
Response (JSON format){
"DomainInfoResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"DomainInfo": {
"Name": "",
"Expiration": "1361430589062",
"Registration": "1234567890123",
"NameServerSettings": {
"Type": "Dynadot Parking",
"WithAds": "Yes"
"Whois": {
"Registrant": {
"ContactId": "0"
"Admin": {
"ContactId": "0"
"Technical": {
"ContactId": "0"
"Billing": {
"ContactId": "0"
"Locked": "yes",
"Disabled": "no",
"UdrpLocked": "no",
"RegistrantUnverified": "no",
"Hold": "no",
"Privacy": "none",
"isForSale": "yes",
"RenewOption": "no renew option",
"Note": "",
"Folder": {
"FolderId": "-1",
"FolderName": "(no folder)"
Set Whois Command
If calling set Whois command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Whois Request ParameterExplanation
Set Whois Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
registrant_contactThe registrant's information of the domain
admin_contactThe administrator's information of the domain
technical_contactThe technical information of the domain
billing_contactThe billing information of the domain
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetWhoisResponse></SetWhoisResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetWhoisHeader></SetWhoisHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Whois ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_whois&®istrant_contact=0&admin_contact=0&technical_contact=0&billing_contact=0
Response (XML format)<SetWhoisResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_whois&®istrant_contact=0&admin_contact=0&technical_contact=0&billing_contact=0
Response (JSON format){
Set Name Servers Command
If calling the set name servers command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Name Servers Request ParameterExplanation
Set Name Servers Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
ns0 - ns12The name servers to set your domain to use, you can specify up to 13 name servers, but they must already be in your account
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetNsResponse></SetNsResponse>Tag of set name server response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<SetNsHeader></SetNsHeader>Tag of set name server response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Ns Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_ns&,
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_ns&,
Response (JSON format){
"SetNsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Set Parking Command
If calling the set parking command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Parking Request ParameterExplanation
Set Parking Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
with_ads (optional)If you do not want a 3rd-party ads, you can use this parameter with "no"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetParkingResponse></SetParkingResponse>Tag of set parking response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<SetParkingHeader></SetParkingHeader>Set parking folder header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Parking ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_parking&
Response (XML format)<SetParkingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_parking&
Response (JSON format){
Set Forwarding Command
If calling the set forwarding command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Forwarding Request ParameterExplanation
Set Forwarding Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
forward_urlThe URL you want your domain to forward to. Please note that the parameter must be encoded so that the API call is interpreted properly. is_temp (optional)Forward status of your domain you want, default value is "temporary", if you want to forward permanently, use this parameter with "no"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetForwardingResponse></SetForwardingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetForwardingHeader></SetForwardingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Forwarding ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_forwarding&forward_url=,
Response (XML format)<SetForwardingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_forwarding&forward_url=,
Response (JSON format){
Set Stealth Command
If calling set stealth command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Stealth Request ParameterExplanation
Set Stealth Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
stealth_urlThe URL you want your domain to forward to. Please note that the parameter must be encoded so that the API call is interpreted properly. stealth_title (optional)The title of the page
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetStealthResponse></SetStealthResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetStealthHeader></SetStealthHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Stealth ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_stealth&'s shop&stealth_url=
Response (XML format)<SetStealthResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_stealth&'s shop&stealth_url=
Response (JSON format){
Set Hosting Command
If calling the set hosting command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Hosting Request ParameterExplanation
Set Hosting Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
hosting_typeType of the hosting you want, you can select in "advanced" and "basic"
mobile_view_onOnly when hosting_type is "advanced", can you use this parameter as "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetHostingResponse></SetHostingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetHostingHeader></SetHostingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Hosting ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_hosting&
Response (XML format)<SetHostingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_hosting&
Response (JSON format){
Set DNS2 Command
If calling set DNS2 command, the following parameters should be included:
Please note that executing the SET_DNS2 command will, by default, overwrite the current DNS settings. To change this behavior and append the new DNS settings instead, you can use the optional parameter add_dns_to_current_setting.
Set DNS2 Request ParameterExplanation
Set DNS2 Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
main_record_type0 - main_record_type19 (optional)Main record type, should be "a", "aaaa", "cname", "forward", "txt", "mx", "stealth", "email"
main_record0 - main_record19Specify the DNS record for your domain
main_recordx0 - main_recordx19Mx distance, forward type(301 as "1", 302 as "2"), stealth forward title or email alias, necessary when main_record_type is "forward","mx","stealth","email".
subdomain0 - subdomain99 (optional)Subdomain records (optional)
sub_record_type0 - sub_record_type99Subdomain record type, should be "a", "aaaa", "cname", "forward", "txt", "srv", "mx", "stealth", "email"
sub_record0 - sub_record99Subdomain IP address or target host
sub_recordx0 - sub_recordx99Mx distance, forward type, stealth forward title or email alias, necessary when main_record_type is "forward","mx","stealth","email"
ttl (optional)Time to live
add_dns_to_current_setting (optional)if you want to append the new DNS settings to existing Dns settings. Set it equal to "1" (optional)
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDnsResponse></SetDnsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDnsHeader></SetDnsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set DNS2 ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_dns2&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_dns2&
Response (JSON format){
"SetDnsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Set Dnssec Command
Calling the Set Dnssec Command will set domain dnssec. This command is only available in XML and JSON format.If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
You can choose to fill in the corresponding parameter values in the Option based on your domain name.
Option 1 : domain_name , key_tag , digest_type , digest , algorithm
Option 2 : domain_name , flags , public_key , algorithm
Notes: Please select the number of the corresponding label as the value of your parameterIf any.
Set Dnssec Request ParameterExplanation
Set Dnssec Request Parameter
domain_nameThe domain name for which you need to set up dnssec
key_tagKey tag
digest_typeYou can choose a number from the following list to represent your digital signature type:
GOSTR 34.11-94 (3)
digestPlease enter the value corresponding to the digest type you have selected
algorithmYou can choose a number from the following list to represent your digital signature algorithm:
Diffie-Hellman (2)
Elliptic Curve (4)
GOSTR 34.10-2001(12)
ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256(13
ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384(14)
Indirect (252)
Private DNS (253
Private OID (254)
flagsYou can choose a number from the following list to represent your digital signature symbol:
public_keyThe Public Key must be in base64 encoding.
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDnssecResponse></SetDnssecResponse>the root node of the response
<SetDnssecHeader></SetDnssecHeader>Set Dnssec header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Dnssec Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_dnssec&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_dnssec&
Response (JSON format){
"SetDnssecResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Set Email Forward Command
If calling set email forward command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Email Forward Request ParameterExplanation
Set Email Forward Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
forward_typeForward type, it can be "donot": Do not forward email, "mx": Deliver email to another mail host (MX record), "forward": Deliver email to another mail host
username0 - username9Username, only used when "forward_type" is "forward"
exist_email0 - exist_email9Existing email address, only used when "forward_type" is "forward"
mx_host0 - mx_host2Mail host, only used when "forward_type" is "mx"
mx_distance0 - mx_distance2Distance0 is the highest priority, only used when "forward_type" is "mx"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetEmailForwardingResponse></SetEmailForwardingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetEmailForwardingHeader></SetEmailForwardingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Email Forward ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_email_forward&
[email protected] Response (XML format)<SetEmailForwardingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_email_forward&
[email protected] Response (JSON format){
Set Clear Domain Setting Command
If calling the set clear domain setting command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Clear Domain Setting Request ParameterExplanation
Set Clear Domain Setting Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
serviceThe service you want to clear, it can be "forward", "stealth", "email_forwarding", "dns", "dnssec", and "nameservers"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetClearDomainSettingResponse></SetClearDomainSettingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetClearDomainSettingHeader></SetClearDomainSettingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Clear Domain Setting ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_clear_domain_setting&
Response (XML format)<SetClearDomainSettingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_clear_domain_setting&
Response (JSON format){
Set Folder Command
If calling the set folder command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Request Parameter
domainThe domain name to update, only 1 domain can be set per request
folderThe folder name that you want to move your domain in. Use "Default" as the folder name if you want to move the domain to the default folder. Folder name is case sensitive. For example, "Folder1" and "folder1" are two different folder names.
folder_id (optional)The folder ID that you want to move your domain to
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderResponse></SetFolderResponse>Tag of set folder response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderHeader></SetFolderHeader>Set folder header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder&
Response (XML format)<SetFolderResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder&
Response (JSON format){
Set Note Command
If calling set note command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Note Request ParameterExplanation
Set Note Request Parameter
domainThe domain you want to set, only 1 domain can be set per request
noteNote you want to set to the domain, can be null
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetNoteResponse></SetNoteResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetNoteHeader></SetNoteHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Note ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_note&¬e=Do not modify any information
Response (XML format)<SetNoteResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_note&¬e=Do not modify any information
Response (JSON format){
Set Customer Id Command (RESELLER ONLY)
If calling set customer id command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Customer Id Request ParameterExplanation
Set Customer Id Request Parameter
domainThe domain you want to set, multiple domains are separated by commas (Max:100)
customer_idCustomer id you want to set to the domain, can't be null
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetCustomerIdResponse></SetCustomerIdResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetCustomerIdHeader></SetCustomerIdHeader>Response header
<SetCustomerIdContent></SetCustomerIdContent>Response content
<SetCustomerIdSuccess></SetCustomerIdSuccess>Set customer id success response content
<SetCustomerIdFailed></SetCustomerIdFailed>Set customer id failed response content
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure, "1" for problem
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Customer Id Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_customer_id&,
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_customer_id&,
Response (JSON format){
"SetCustomerIdResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"SetCustomerIdSuccess": [
"Domain": "",
"CustomerId": 123456
"Domain": "",
"CustomerId": 123456
Set Renew Option
If calling set renew option command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Renew Option Request ParameterExplanation
Set Renew Option Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
renew_optionIt can be "donot", "auto", "reset"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetRenewOptionResponse></SetRenewOptionResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetRenewOptionHeader></SetRenewOptionHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Renew Option Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_renew_option&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_renew_option&
Response (JSON format){
"SetRenewOptionResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Set Privacy Command
If calling set privacy command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Privacy Request ParameterExplanation
Set Privacy Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
optionThe privacy status of the domain you want to set, it can be "full", "partial", or "off"
whois_privacy_optionThe whois privacy status of the domain you want to set, it can be "yes" or "no"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetPrivacyResponse></SetPrivacyResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetPrivacyHeader></SetPrivacyHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Privacy ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_privacy&
Response (XML format)<SetPrivacyResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_privacy&
Response (JSON format){
TLD Prices
This feature is only available in XML and JSON format:
Tld Prices Request ParameterExplanation
Tld Prices Request Parameter
currency (optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is Api Default Currency of account setting
count_per_page (optional)How many entities are displayed per page
page_index (optional)Which page's entities do you want to view
sort (optional)Please select one of the following options as the value for the sorting parameter:
* If you have not selected it, we will use the default sorting.
1) RankAsc (Default)
2) RankDesc
3) NameAsc
4) NameDesc
5) SalesAsc
6) SalesDesc
7) LaunchDateAsc
8) LaunchDateDesc
9) CountAsc
10) CountDesc
11) RegistryAsc
12) RegistryDesc
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<TldPriceResponse></TldPriceResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<TldPriceResponseHeader></TldPriceResponseHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<TldPriceContent></TldPriceContent>Response content
<TldContent></TldContent>Tld info
<Tld></Tld>Top-Level Domains
<Usage></Usage>Usage of tld
<Price></Price>Price info of this tld. Contain sub-tags:
: Unit of price
: Price of Registration
: Price of Renew
: Price of Transfer
<Privacy></Privacy>If this tld supports whois privacy
<GracePeriod></GracePeriod>Grace period info of this tld. Contain sub-tags:
: Unit of grace period info
: Renew grace period
: Delete grace period
<IDN></IDN>If this tld supports Internationalized Domain Names
<Restrictions></Restrictions>Domain name
TLD Prices ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=tld_price¤cy=USD
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PriceLevel>Regular Pricing</PriceLevel>
<Unit>(Price/1 year)</Unit>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=tld_price¤cy=USD
Response (JSON format){
"TldPriceResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"PriceLevel": "Regular Pricing",
"Currency": "USD",
"TldPrice": [
"Tld": "com",
"Usage": "General",
"IDN": "YES",
"Restrictions": "--",
"Privacy": "10.00",
"Price": {
"Unit": "(Price/1 year)",
"Register": "15.00",
"Renew": "15.00",
"Transfer": "15.00",
"Restore": "10.00"
"GracePeriod": {
"Unit": "10.00",
"Renew": "10.00",
"Delete": "30",
"Restore": "YES"
List Domain Command
This feature is only available in XML and JSON format:
List Domain Request ParameterExplanation
List Domain Request Parameter
customer_id (optional)Filter data by customer id (only resellers can use this parameter)
count_per_page (optional)How many entities are displayed per page
page_index (optional)Which page's entities do you want to view
sort (optional)Please select one of the following options as the value for the sorting parameter:
* If you have not selected it, we will use the default sorting.
1) CountAsc (Default)
2) CountDesc
3) NameAsc
4) NameDesc
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<ListDomainInfoResponse></ListDomainInfoResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<ListDomainInfoHeader></ListDomainInfoHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<ListDomainInfoContent></ListDomainInfoContent>Response content
<DomainInfoList></DomainInfoList>Domain information list
<DomainInfo></DomainInfo>Domain information
<Name></Name>Domain name
<Expiration></Expiration>Domain expiration date in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
<Registration></Registration>Domain registration date in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
<NameServerSettings></NameServerSettings>Name server settings
<Type></Type>Name server setting type
<WithAds></WithAds>With ads or not
<Whois></Whois>Whois information
<Registrant></Registrant>Registrant information
<ContactId></ContactId>Contact Id
<Admin></Admin>Admin information
<Technical></Technical>Technical information
<Billing></Billing>Billing information
<Locked></Locked>Locked or not
<Disabled></Disabled>Enable status
<Privacy></Privacy>Privacy status
<isForSale></isForSale>Sale status
<RenewOption></RenewOption>Renew option
<Folder></Folder>Folder information
<FolderId></FolderId>Folder ID
<FolderName></FolderName>Folder name
List Domain Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=list_domain
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Type>Dynadot Parking</Type>
<RenewOption>no renew option</RenewOption>
<FolderName>(no folder)</FolderName>
<Type>Dynadot Parking</Type>
<RenewOption>no renew option</RenewOption>
<FolderName>(no folder)</FolderName>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=list_domain
Response (JSON format){
"ListDomainInfoResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"MainDomains": [
"Name": "",
"Expiration": "1361430589062",
"Registration": "1234567890123",
"NameServerSettings": {
"Type": "Dynadot Parking",
"WithAds": "Yes"
"Whois": {
"Registrant": {
"ContactId": "0"
"Admin": {
"ContactId": "0"
"Technical": {
"ContactId": "0"
"Billing": {
"ContactId": "0"
"Locked": "yes",
"Disabled": "no",
"UdrpLocked": "no",
"RegistrantUnverified": "no",
"Hold": "no",
"Privacy": "none",
"isForSale": "no",
"RenewOption": "no renew option",
"Note": "",
"Folder": {
"FolderId": "-1",
"FolderName": "(no folder)"
"Name": "",
"Expiration": "1361430589062",
"Registration": "1234567890123",
"NameServerSettings": {
"Type": "Dynadot Parking",
"WithAds": "Yes"
"Whois": {
"Registrant": {
"ContactId": "1"
"Admin": {
"ContactId": "2"
"Technical": {
"ContactId": "3"
"Billing": {
"ContactId": "4"
"Locked": "yes",
"Disabled": "no",
"UdrpLocked": "no",
"RegistrantUnverified": "no",
"Hold": "no",
"Privacy": "none",
"isForSale": "no",
"RenewOption": "no renew option",
"Note": "",
"Folder": {
"FolderId": "-1",
"FolderName": "(no folder)"
Lock Domain Command
If calling lock domain command, the following parameters should be included:
Lock Domain Request ParameterExplanation
Lock Domain Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to lock for, only 1 domain can be entered per request
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<LockDomainResponse></LockDomainResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<LockDomainHeader></LockDomainHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Lock Domain ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=lock_domain&
Response (XML format)<LockDomainResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=lock_domain&
Response (JSON format){
Cancel Transfer Command
The Command allows you to cancel a transfer item in the order. If calling cancel transfer command, the following parameters should be included:
Cancel Transfer Request ParameterExplanation
Cancel Transfer Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to cancel transfer for, only 1 domain can be entered per request
order_idThe transfer order id, you can get it from another api get_transfer_status.
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<CancelTransferResponse></CancelTransferResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<CancelTransferHeader></CancelTransferHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Cancel Transfer Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=cancel_transfer&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=cancel_transfer&
Response (JSON format){
"CancelTransferResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Get Transfer Status Command
If calling get transfer status command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Transfer Status Request ParameterExplanation
Get Transfer Status Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to get transfer status for, only 1 domain can be entered per request
transfer_typeThe transfer type you want to get transfer status for (transfer in or transfer away)
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetTransferStatusResponse></GetTransferStatusResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<GetTransferStatusHeader></GetTransferStatusHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetTransferStatusContent></GetTransferStatusContent>Response content
<TransferList></TransferList>Transfer list
<Transfer></Transfer>Transfer info
<OrderId></OrderId>The order id
<TransferStatus></TransferStatus>The transfer status of domain.If you got 'none' or 'approved', you can cancel the transfer.If you got 'waiting', means transfer already start.If you got 'auth code needed', means bad auth code, you can use another api SET_TRANSFER_AUTH re-submit auth code.There are also some other statuses, we will send you an email or needs to be checked by our engineers.
Get Transfer Status ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_transfer_status&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_transfer_status&
Response (JSON format){
"GetTransferStatusResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"TransferList": [
"OrderId": "testorderid",
"TransferStatus": "teststatus"
"OrderId": "testorderid2",
"TransferStatus": "teststatus2"
Set Transfer Auth Code For Transfer Order Command
The command which allows you to update auth code for processing transfer orders. If calling set transfer auth code command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Transfer Auth Code Request ParameterExplanation
Set Transfer Auth Code Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you update the transfer auth for, only 1 domain can be entered per request
auth_codeThe auth_code you want to re-submit
order_idThe transfer order id, you can get it from another api get_transfer_status.
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetTransferStatusResponse></GetTransferStatusResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<GetTransferStatusHeader></GetTransferStatusHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Transfer Auth Code ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_transfer_auth_code&
Response (XML format)<SetTransferAuthCodeResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_transfer_auth_code&
Response (JSON format){
Authorize Transfer Away Command
Authorize Transfer Away Request ParameterExplanation
Authorize Transfer Away Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to authorize transfer away for, only 1 domain can be entered per request
order_idThe Dynadot order_id of the domain you want to transfer away
authorizeTo authorize the transfer away, set it equal to "approve". To deny the transfer away, set it equal to "deny".
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<AuthorizeTransferAwayResponse></AuthorizeTransferAwayResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<AuthorizeTransferAwayHeader></AuthorizeTransferAwayHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<Result></Result>The result of authorize transfer away
Authorize Transfer Away Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=authorize_transfer_away&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=authorize_transfer_away&
Response (JSON format){
"AuthorizeTransferAwayResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"Result": "away_approved"
Get Transfer Auth Code Command
You must unlock your domain and account before requesting auth code.
Get Transfer Auth Code Request ParameterExplanation
Get Transfer Auth Code Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to get transfer auth code for, only 1 domain can be entered per request
new_code (optional)Generate a new transfer auth code
unlock_domain_for_transfer (Optional. Requires api skip lock agreement to use)If you want to unlock domain for transfer, set it equal to "1". If the request successfully processed, the domain will be unlocked.
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetTransferAuthCodeResponse></GetTransferAuthCodeResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<GetTransferAuthCodeHeader></GetTransferAuthCodeHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<AuthCode></AuthCode>Auth code is used to start a domain transfer.
Get Transfer Auth Code Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_transfer_auth_code&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_transfer_auth_code&
Response (JSON format){
"GetTransferAuthCodeResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"AuthCode": "testauthcode"
Get Domain Push Request Command
Calling the Get Domain Push Request Command will get domain push request. This command is only available in XML and JSON format.
Get Domain Push Request Request ParameterExplanation
Get Domain Push Request Request Parameter
No extra parameter needed
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetDomainPushRequestResponse></GetDomainPushRequestResponse>the root node of the response
<GetDomainPushRequestHeader></GetDomainPushRequestHeader>Get Domain Push Request header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetDomainPushRequestContent></GetDomainPushRequestContent>response content
<PushDomain></PushDomain>Push Domain
<PushDomainName></PushDomainName>Push Domain Name
Get Domain Push Request ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_domain_push_request
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_domain_push_request
Response (JSON format){
"GetDomainPushRequestResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"pushDomainName": "[,]"
Set Domain Push Request Command
Calling the Set Domain Push Request Command will set domain push request. This command is only available in XML and JSON format.If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Domain Push Request Request ParameterExplanation
Set Domain Push Request Request Parameter
domainsThe domain name of the order to be processed
actionThe action of the order to be processed,You can choose "accept" or "decline"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDomainPushRequestResponse></SetDomainPushRequestResponse>the root node of the response
<SetDomainPushRequestHeader></SetDomainPushRequestHeader>Set Domain Push Request header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Domain Push Request ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_domain_push_request&,,
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_domain_push_request&,,
Response (JSON format){
"SetDomainPushRequestResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Create CN Audit Command
The Command allows you to create a CN audit for a contact. If calling create cn audit command, the following parameters should be included:
Create CN Audit Request ParameterExplanation
Create CN Audit Request Parameter
contact_idThe contact record id you want start audit for, only 1 contact id can be entered per request
contact_typeType of contact, can be either "Individual" or "Enterprise"
individual_id_typeNatural person's ID type, expected values (description of value) are:
JGZ (Officer's identity card of the People's Republic of China)
SFZ (ID card of the People's Republic of China)
HZ (Passport)
GAJMTX (Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao)
TWJMTX (Travel passes for Taiwan Residents to Enter or Leave the Mainland)
WJLSFZ (Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card of the People's Republic of China)
GAJZZ (Residence permit for Hong Kong, Macao)
TWJZZ (Residence permit for Taiwan residents)
QT (Others)
individual_license_idThe License number of natural person's ID
individual_urlDocument of natural person license ID. The file url on the server. Only jpg, gif, png, jpeg are allowed
enterprise_id_type (Mandatory when contact type is "Enterprise")Enterprise ID type, expected values (description of value) are:
ORG (Organization Code Certificate)
YYZZ (Business License)
TYDM (Certificate for Uniform Social Credit Code)
BDDM (Military Code Designation)
JDDWFW (Military Paid External Service License)
SYDWFR (Public Institution Legal Person Certificate)
WGCZJG (Resident Representative Offices of Foreign Enterprises Registration Form)
SHTTFR (Social Organization Legal Person Registration Certificate)
ZJCS (Religion Activity Site Registration Certificate)
MBFQY (Private Non-Enterprise Entity Registration Certificate)
JJHFR (Fund Legal Person Registration Certificate)
LSZY (Practicing License of Law Firm)
WGZHWH (Registration Certificate of Foreign Cultural Center in China)
WLCZJG (Resident Representative Office of Tourism Departments of Foreign Government Approval Registration Certificate)
SFJD (Judicial Expertise License)
JWJG (Overseas Organization Certificate)
SHFWJG (Social Service Agency Registration Certificate)
MBXXBX (Private School Permit)
YLJGZY (Medical Institution Practicing License)
GZJGZY (Notary Organization Practicing License)
BJWSXX (Beijing School for Children of Foreign Embassy Staff in China Permit)
QTTYDM (Others-Certificate for Uniform Social Credit Code)
QT (Others)
enterprise_license_id (Mandatory when contact type is "Enterprise")The License number of enterprise document
enterprise_url (Mandatory when contact type is "Enterprise")Document of enterprise license. The file url on the server. Only jpg, gif, png, jpeg are allowed
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<CreateCnAuditResponse></CreateCnAuditResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<CreateCnAuditHeader></CreateCnAuditHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Create Cn Audit Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=create_cn_audit&contact_id=testcontactid&contact_type=Enterprise&individual_id_type=SFZ&individual_license_id=testlicenseid&individual_url=url1&enterprise_id_type=ORG&enterprise_license_id=testlicenseid2&enterprise_url=url2
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=create_cn_audit&contact_id=testcontactid&contact_type=Enterprise&individual_id_type=SFZ&individual_license_id=testlicenseid&individual_url=url1&enterprise_id_type=ORG&enterprise_license_id=testlicenseid2&enterprise_url=url2
Response (JSON format){
"CreateCnAuditResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Get Cn Audit Status Command
If calling get cn audit status command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Cn Audit Status Request ParameterExplanation
Get Cn Audit Status Request Parameter
contact_idThe contact record id you want to get audit status for, only 1 contactId can be entered per request
gtldIf you query the audit result of the cnnic-gtld, set this parameter to 1
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetCnAuditStatusResponse></GetCnAuditStatusResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<GetCnAuditStatusHeader></GetCnAuditStatusHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<CnAuditStatus></CnAuditStatus>the audit status of cnnic audit record. You may got 'processing' or 'waiting for cnnic' or 'failed'. If failed, we will send you an email.
<FailedReason></FailedReason>If the audit unpassable, the failed reason will be displayed
Get Cn Audit Status Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_cn_audit_status&contact_id=testcontactid
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_cn_audit_status&contact_id=testcontactid
Response (JSON format){
"GetCnAuditStatusResponse": {
"ResponseCode": "0",
"Status": "success",
"CnAuditStatus": "pass"
Create Contact Command
If calling create contact command, the following parameters should be included:
Create Contact Request ParameterExplanation
Create Contact Request Parameter
organization (optional)The organization information
phonenumPhone number
phoneccPhone country code
faxnum (optional)Fax number
faxcc (optional)Fax country code
address2 (optional)Address 2
state (optional)State
zipZip code
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<CreateContactResponse></CreateContactResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<CreateContactHeader></CreateContactHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<CreateContactContent></CreateContactContent>New Contact ID, only used when status is "success"
Create Contact ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=create_contact&name=Webb&
[email protected]&phonenum=8662623399&phonecc=1&address1=PO Box 345&city=San Mateo&state=America&zip=94401&country=US
Response (XML format)<CreateContactResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=create_contact&name=Webb&
[email protected]&phonenum=8662623399&phonecc=1&address1=PO Box 345&city=San Mateo&state=America&zip=94401&country=US
Response (JSON format){
Edit Contact Command
If calling edit contact command, the following parameters should be included:
Edit Contact Request ParameterExplanation
Edit Contact Request Parameter
contact_idThe contact's ID you want to edit
organization (optional)The organization information
phonenumPhone number
phoneccPhone country code
faxnum (optional)Fax number
faxcc (optional)Fax country code
address1Address 1
address2 (optional)Address 2
zipZip code
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<EditContactResponse></EditContactResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<EditContactHeader></EditContactHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<EditContactContent></EditContactContent>Response content
<ContactId></ContactId>ID of the contact
Edit Contact Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=edit_contact&contact_id=0&name=Webb&
[email protected]&phonenum=8662623399&phonecc=1&address1=PO Box 345&city=San Mateo&state=U.S&zip=94401&country=US
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=edit_contact&contact_id=0&name=Webb&
[email protected]&phonenum=8662623399&phonecc=1&address1=PO Box 345&city=San Mateo&state=U.S&zip=94401&country=US
Response (JSON format){
"EditContactResponse": {
"ResponseCode": "0",
"Status": "success",
"EditContactContent": {
"ContactId": "0"
Request (CSV format)[API Key]&command=edit_contact&contact_id=0&name=Webb&
[email protected]&phonenum=8662623399&phonecc=1&address1=PO Box 345&city=San Mateo&state=U.S&zip=94401&country=US
Response (CSV format)ok,
Delete Contact Command
If calling delete contact command, the following parameters should be included:
Delete Contact Request ParameterExplanation
Delete Contact Request Parameter
contact_idThe ID of the contact you want to delete, make sure they are separated by commas
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<DeleteContactResponse></DeleteContactResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<DeleteContactHeader></DeleteContactHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Delete Contact Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=delete_contact&contact_id=0
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=delete_contact&contact_id=0
Response (JSON format){
"DeleteContactResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Contact List Command
This command is only available in XML and JSON format:
Contact List Request ParameterExplanation
Contact List Request Parameter
N/ANo extra parameter needed
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<ContactListResponse></ContactListResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<ContactListHeader></ContactListHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<ContactListContent></ContactListContent>Response content
<ContactList></ContactList>Contact list
<Contact></Contact>Contact info
<ContactId></ContactId>Contact ID
<Organization></Organization>Contact's organization
<PhoneCc></PhoneCc>Phone country code
<PhoneNum></PhoneNum>Phone number
<FaxCc></FaxCc>Fax country code
<FaxNum></FaxNum>Fax number
<Address1></Address1>Address 1
<Address2></Address2>Address 2
<ZipCode></ZipCode>Zip code
<GtldVerified></GtldVerified>gTLD verification status
Contact List ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=contact_list
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Jack tester</Name>
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
<Address1>test street</Address1>
<City>Los Angeles</City>
<Name>John tester</Name>
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
<Address1>high Way first</Address1>
<City>San Francisco</City>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=contact_list
Response (JSON format){
"ContactListResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"ContactList": [
"ContactId": "0",
"Organization": "",
"Name": "Jack tester",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"PhoneCc": "1",
"PhoneNum": "555.555.5233",
"FaxCc": "",
"FaxNum": "",
"Address1": "test street",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Los Angeles",
"State": "CA",
"ZipCode": "90068",
"Country": "US",
"GtldVerified": "no"
"ContactId": "1",
"Organization": "",
"Name": "John tester",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"PhoneCc": "1",
"PhoneNum": "123.456.7890",
"FaxCc": "1",
"FaxNum": "123.456.7890",
"Address1": "high Way first",
"Address2": "",
"City": "San Francisco",
"State": "CA",
"ZipCode": "90068",
"Country": "US",
"GtldVerified": "yes"
Get Contact Command
This command is only available in XML and JSON format:
Get Contact Request ParameterExplanation
Get Contact Request Parameter
contact_idid of contact
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetContactResponse></GetContactResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<GetContactHeader></GetContactHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetContactContent></GetContactContent>Response content
<Contact></Contact>Contact info
<ContactId></ContactId>Contact ID
<Organization></Organization>Contact's organization
<PhoneCc></PhoneCc>Phone country code
<PhoneNum></PhoneNum>Phone number
<FaxCc></FaxCc>Fax country code
<FaxNum></FaxNum>Fax number
<Address1></Address1>Address 1
<Address2></Address2>Address 2
<ZipCode></ZipCode>Zip code
<GtldVerified></GtldVerified>gTLD verification status
Get Contact ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_contact&contact_id=10000
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_contact&contact_id=10000
Response (JSON format){
"GetContactResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"GetContact": {
"ContactId": "12345",
"Organization": "org",
"Name": "name",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"PhoneCc": "1",
"PhoneNum": "555.555.5233",
"FaxCc": "",
"FaxNum": "",
"Address1": "address1",
"Address2": "address2",
"City": "city",
"State": "state",
"ZipCode": "zipcode",
"Country": "country",
"GtldVerified": "no"
Set Contact EU Setting Command
If calling set contact eu setting command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Contact EU Setting Request ParameterExplanation
Set Contact EU Setting Request Parameter
contact_idThe contact's ID you want to edit
country_of_citizenshipMust be an EU member state, The country codes of member states include :
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetContactEUSettingResponse></SetContactEUSettingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetContactEUSettingHeader></SetContactEUSettingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<SetContactEUSettingContent></SetContactEUSettingContent>Response content
<ContactId></ContactId>ID of the contact
Set Contact EU Setting ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_contact_eu_setting&contact_id=0&country_of_citizenship=AT
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_contact_eu_setting&contact_id=0&country_of_citizenship=AT
Response (JSON format){
"SetContactEUSettingResponse": {
"ResponseCode: ": "0",
"Status": "Success",
"SetContactEUSettingContent": {
"ContactId: ": "0"
Set Contact LV Setting Command
If calling set contact lv setting command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Contact LV Setting Request ParameterExplanation
Set Contact LV Setting Request Parameter
contact_idThe contact's ID you want to edit
registration_number- For individual, Please enter Latvian identification number.
- For companies and other legal entities, please enter registration number issued by the Latvian Register of Enterprises.
vat_number (optional)VAT number for foreign legal entities registered within European Union countries (this includes also Latvian companies)
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetContactLvSettingResponse></SetContactLvSettingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetContactLvSettingHeader></SetContactLvSettingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<SetContactLvSettingContent></SetContactLvSettingContent>Response content
<ContactId></ContactId>ID of the contact
Set Contact Lv Setting Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_contact_lv_setting&contact_id=0®istration_number=test_reg_number&vat_number=test_vat_number
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_contact_lv_setting&contact_id=0®istration_number=test_reg_number&vat_number=test_vat_number
Response (JSON format){
"SetContactLvSettingResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"SetContactLvSettingContent": {
"ContactId: ": "0"
Set Contact LV Setting ExampleRequest (CSV format)[API Key]&command=set_contact_lv_setting&contact_id=0®istration_number=test_reg_number&vat_number=test_vat_number
Response (CSV format)ok,success,0
Get Name Server Command
If calling get name server command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Name Server Request ParameterExplanation
Get Name Server Request Parameter
domainThe domain whose name server info you want to get, only 1 domain's name server info can be pulled per request.
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetNsResponse></GetNsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<GetNsHeader></GetNsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<NsContent></NsContent>Response content
<Host></Host>Host name of the server
<NsName></NsName>Name of the server
Get Ns Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_ns&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_ns&
Response (JSON format){
"GetNsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"NsContent": {
"Host0": "",
"Host1": ""
Add Name Server Command
If calling add name server command, the following parameters should be included:
Add Name Server Request ParameterExplanation
Add Name Server Request Parameter
hostThe host name of name server you want to add
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<AddNsResponse></AddNsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<AddNsHeader></AddNsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<AddNsContent></AddNsContent>Response content
<Server></Server>Server you have set
<Host></Host>Host name of the new server
<ServerId></ServerId>ID of the new server
Add Ns Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=add_ns&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=add_ns&
Response (JSON format){
"AddNsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"AddNsContent": {
"Server": {
"Host": "",
"ServerId": 0
Register Name Server Command
If calling the register name server command, the following parameters should be included:
Register Name Server Request ParameterExplanation
Register Name Server Request Parameter
hostThe host name of your own name server
ipThe IP address of your own name server
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<RegisterNsResponse></RegisterNsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<RegisterNsHeader></RegisterNsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<RegisterNsContent></RegisterNsContent>Response content
<Server></Server>Server tag
<Host></Host>Host name
<ServerId></ServerId>Server ID
Register Name Server ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=register_ns&
Response (XML format)<RegisterNsResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=register_ns&
Response (JSON format){
Set Name Server IP Command
If calling set name server IP command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Name Server IP Request ParameterExplanation
Set Name Server IP Request Parameter
server_idThe name server's ID you want to set
ip0 - ip9The IP address you want to set to the name server, 9 IPs can be set per request and need to be separated by commas
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetNsIpResponse></SetNsIpResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetNsIpHeader></SetNsIpHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Name Server IP ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_ns_ip&server_id=1&ip0=
Response (XML format)<SetNsIpResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_ns_ip&server_id=1&ip0=
Response (JSON format){
Delete Name Server Command
If calling delete name server command, the following parameters should be included:
Delete Name Server Request ParameterExplanation
Delete Name Server Request Parameter
server_idThe ID of name servers you want to delete, make sure that they are separated by commas
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<DeleteNsResponse></DeleteNsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<DeleteNsHeader></DeleteNsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Delete Ns Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=delete_ns&server_id=0
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=delete_ns&server_id=0
Response (JSON format){
"DeleteNsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Delete Name Server By Domain Command
If calling delete name server by domain command, the following parameters should be included:
Delete Name Server By Domain Request ParameterExplanation
Delete Name Server By Domain Request Parameter
server_domainName of the name server. ex:
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<DeleteNsResponse></DeleteNsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<DeleteNsHeader></DeleteNsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Delete Name Server By Domain ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=delete_ns_by_domain&
Response (XML format)<DeleteNsResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=delete_ns_by_domain&
Response (JSON format){
Server List Command
This command is only available in XML and JSON format:
Server List Request ParameterExplanation
Server List Request Parameter
N/ANo extra parameter needed
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<ServerListResponse></ServerListResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<ServerListHeader></ServerListHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<ServerListContent></ServerListContent>Response content
<NameServerList></NameServerList>Name server list
<ServerId></ServerId>Server ID
<ServerName></ServerName>Server name
<ServerIp></ServerIp>Server IP
Server List ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=server_list
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=server_list
Response (JSON format){
"ServerListResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"ServerList": [
"ServerId": "0",
"ServerName": ""
"ServerId": "1",
"ServerName": "",
"ServerIps": [
"Ip": ""
"Ip": ""
Get Domain NameServer Settings Command
If calling get domain nameservers settings command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Domain Nameserver Settings Request ParameterExplanation
Get Domain Nameserver Settings Request Parameter
domainThe domain whose name server setting you want to get, only 1 domain's name server setting can be pulled per request.
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetDnsResponse></GetDnsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<GetDnsHeader></GetDnsHeader>Response header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetDnsContent></GetDnsContent>Response content
<NameServerSettings></NameServerSettings>Domain's name server settings
<Type></Type>Domain's name server type
Get Domain Nameserver Settings ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_dns&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Type>Dynadot Parking</Type>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_dns&
Response (JSON format){
"GetDnsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"GetDns": {
"NameServerSettings": {
"Type": "Dynadot Parking",
"WithAds": "Yes"
Account Information Command
This command is only available in XML and JSON format:
Account Info Request ParameterExplanation
Account Info Request Parameter
N/ANo extra parameter needed
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<AccountInfoResponse></AccountInfoResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<AccountInfoHeader></AccountInfoHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<AccountInfoContent></AccountInfoContent>Response content
<AccountInfo></AccountInfo>Account information
<ForumName></ForumName>Forum name
<Contact></Contact>Contact info
<Organization></Organization>Response header
<Name></Name>Your name
<PhoneCc></PhoneCc>Phone country code
<PhoneNum></PhoneNum>Phone number
<Address1></Address1>Address 1
<Address2></Address2>Address 2
<ZipCode></ZipCode>Zip code
<CustomerSince></CustomerSince>Customer since
<AccountLock></AccountLock>Account lock
<TotalSpending></TotalSpending>Total spending
<PriceLevel></PriceLevel>Price level
<AccountBalance></AccountBalance>Account balance
<CustomTimeZone></CustomTimeZone>Custom time zone
<DefaultSettings></DefaultSettings>Default settings
<DefaultWhois></DefaultWhois>Default Whois
<DefaultRegistrant></DefaultRegistrant>Default registrant
<ContactId></ContactId>Contact ID
<DefaultAdmin></DefaultAdmin>Default admin
<DefaultTechnical></DefaultTechnical>Default technical
<DefaultBilling></DefaultBilling>Default billing
<Type></Type>Name server type
<WithAds></WithAds>With ads or not
Account Information ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=account_info
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ForumName>test forum name</ForumName>
<AvatarUrl>test avatar url</AvatarUrl>
<Name>testname test</Name>
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
<Address1>1 test road</Address1>
<City>Los Angeles</City>
<PriceLevel>Regular Pricing</PriceLevel>
<Type>Dynadot Parking</Type>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=account_info
Response (JSON format){
"AccountInfoResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"AccountInfo": {
"Username": "testname",
"ForumName": "test forum name",
"AvatarUrl": "test avatar url",
"Contact": {
"Organization": "",
"Name": "testname test",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"PhoneCc": "1",
"PhoneNum": "555.555.5233",
"FaxCc": "",
"FaxNum": "",
"Address1": "1 test road",
"Address2": "",
"City": "Los Angeles",
"State": "CA",
"ZipCode": "90000",
"Country": "US"
"CustomerSince": "1364888735253",
"AccountLock": "on",
"TotalSpending": "$0.00",
"PriceLevel": "Regular Pricing",
"AccountBalance": "$70.02",
"CustomTimeZone": "PST",
"DefaultSettings": {
"DefaultWhois": {
"DefaultRegistrant": {
"ContactId": "0"
"DefaultAdmin": {
"ContactId": "0"
"DefaultTechnical": {
"ContactId": "0"
"DefaultBilling": {
"ContactId": "0"
"DefaultNameServerSettings": {
"Type": "Dynadot Parking",
"WithAds": "yes"
Get Account Balance Command
This command is only available in XML and JSON format:
Get Account Balance Request ParameterExplanation
Get Account Balance Request Parameter
N/ANo extra parameter needed
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetAccountBalanceResponse></GetAccountBalanceResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<GetAccountBalanceHeader></GetAccountBalanceHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetAccountBalanceContent></GetAccountBalanceContent>Response content
<Balance></Balance>Account Balance
Get Account Balance ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_account_balance
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_account_balance
Response (JSON format){
"GetAccountBalanceResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"BalanceList": [
"Currency": "USD",
"Amount": "300.00"
Set Default Whois
If calling set default Whois command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Default Whois Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default Whois Request Parameter
registrant_contactThe registrant's information of the domain
admin_contactThe administrator's information of the domain
technical_contactThe technical information of the domain
billing_contactThe billing information of the domain
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultWhoisResponse></SetDefaultWhoisResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultWhoisHeader></SetDefaultWhoisHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Default Whois ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_whois®istrant_contact=0&admin_contact=0&technical_contact=0&billing_contact=0
Response (XML format)<SetDefaultWhoisResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_whois®istrant_contact=0&admin_contact=0&technical_contact=0&billing_contact=0
Response (JSON format){
Set Default Name Servers Command
If calling the set default name servers command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Default Name Servers Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default Name Servers Request Parameter
ns0 - ns12The name servers you want to set
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultNsResponse></SetDefaultNsResponse>Tag of set default name servers response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultNsHeader></SetDefaultNsHeader>Tag of set default name servers header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<SetDefaultNsContent></SetDefaultNsContent>Tag of set default name servers content, it's only used when the status is "success"
<Servers></Servers>The information of the servers you have set
<Server></Server>Each server
<ServerName></ServerName>Server name
<ServerId></ServerId>Server Id
Set Default Ns Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_ns&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_ns&
Response (JSON format){
"SetDefaultNsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"SetDefaultNsContent": {
"Servers": [
"ServerName": "",
"ServerId": "0"
"ServerName": "",
"ServerId": "1"
Set Default Parking Command
If calling the set default parking command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Default Parking Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default Parking Request Parameter
with_ads (optional)If you don't want a 3rd-party ads, you can use this parameter with "no", default value is "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultParkingResponse></SetDefaultParkingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultParkingHeader></SetDefaultParkingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Default Parking ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_parking&folder_id=0&with_ads=no
Response (XML format)<SetDefaultParkingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_parking&folder_id=0&with_ads=no
Response (JSON format){
Set Default Forwarding Command
If calling the set default forwarding command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Default Forwarding Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default Forwarding Request Parameter
forward_urlThe URL you want your domain to forward to. Please note that the parameter must be encoded so that the API call is interpreted properly. is_temp (optional)Forward status of your domain you want, default value is "temporary", if you want to forward permanently, use this parameter with "no"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultForwardingResponse></SetDefaultForwardingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultForwardingHeader></SetDefaultForwardingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Default Forwarding ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_forwarding&forward_url=
Response (XML format)<SetDefaultForwardingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_forwarding&forward_url=
Response (JSON format){
Set Default Stealth Command
If calling set default stealth command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Default Stealth Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default Stealth Request Parameter
stealth_urlThe URL you want your domain to forward to. Please note that the parameter must be encoded so that the API call is interpreted properly. stealth_title (optional)The title of the page
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultStealthResponse></SetDefaultStealthResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultStealthHeader></SetDefaultStealthHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Default Stealth ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_stealth&stealth_title=obama's shop&stealth_url=
Response (XML format)<SetDefaultStealthResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_stealth&stealth_title=obama's shop&stealth_url=
Response (JSON format){
Set Default Hosting Command
If calling the set default hosting command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Default Hosting Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default Hosting Request Parameter
hosting_typeType of the default hosting you want, you can select in "advanced" and "basic"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultHostingResponse></SetDefaultHostingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultHostingHeader></SetDefaultHostingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Default Hosting ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_hosting&hosting_type=advanced
Response (XML format)<SetDefaultHostingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_hosting&hosting_type=advanced
Response (JSON format){
Set Default DNS Command
If calling set default DNS command, the following parameters should be included:
( This command is outdated and not recommended, please use Set Default DNS2 Command instead )
Set Default DNS Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default DNS Request Parameter
main_record_typeMain record type
main_recordSpecify a DNS record for your domain
main_txt (optional)Specify a TXT record for your domain. If your main_record_type is aaaa and specified a main_record2, you can set upto 3 main_txts, otherwise, you can set upto 4 main_txts.
main_record2Main record 2, only used when "main_record_type" is "aaaa". Its value must be in ipv4 format.
subdomain0 - subdomain99 (optional)Subdomain records
sub_record_type0 - sub_record_type99 (optional)Subdomain records type
sub_record0 - sub_record99 (optional)IP address or target host
mx_host0 - mx_host2 (optional)Specify the mail host for your domain, distance0 is the highest priority.
mx_distance0 - mx_distance2 (optional)Distance0 is the highest priority
ttl (optional)Time to live
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultDnsResponse></SetDefaultDnsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultDnsHeader></SetDefaultDnsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Default DNS ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_dns&main_record_type=aaaa&main_record=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Response (XML format)<SetDefaultDnsResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_dns&main_record_type=aaaa&main_record=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Response (JSON format){
Set Default DNS2 Command
If calling set default DNS command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Default DNS2 Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default DNS2 Request Parameter
main_record_type0 - main_record_type19Main record type
main_record0 - main_record19Specify the DNS record for your domain
main_recordx0 - main_recordx19Mx distance, forward type, stealth forward title or email alias, necessary when main_record is "a", "aaaa", "cname", "forward", "txt", "mx", "stealth", "email"
subdomain0 - subdomain99 (optional)Subdomain records
sub_record_type0 - sub_record_type99 (optional)Subdomain records type
sub_record0 - sub_record99 (optional)Subdomain IP address or target host
sub_recordx0 - subdo_recordx99Mx distance, forward type, stealth forward title or email alias, necessary when sub_record_type is "a", "aaaa", "cname", "forward", "txt", "srv", "mx", "stealth", "email"
ttl (optional)Time to live
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultDnsResponse></SetDefaultDnsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultDnsHeader></SetDefaultDnsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Default DNS2 ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_dns2&main_record_type0=aaaa&main_record0=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Response (XML format)<SetDefaultDnsResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_dns2&main_record_type0=aaaa&main_record0=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Response (JSON format){
Set Default Email Forward Command
If calling set default email forward command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Default Email Forward Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default Email Forward Request Parameter
forward_typeForward type, it can be "donot": Do not forward email, "mx": Deliver email to another mail host (MX record), "forward": Deliver email to another mail host
username0 - username9Username, only used when "forward_type" is "forward"
exist_email0 - exist_email9Existing email address, only used when "forward_type" is "forward"
mx_host0 - mx_host2Mail host, only used when "forward_type" is "mx"
mx_distance0 - mx_distance2Distance0 is the highest priority, only used when "forward_type" is "mx"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultEmailForwardingResponse></SetDefaultEmailForwardingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultEmailForwardingHeader></SetDefaultEmailForwardingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Default Email Forward ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_email_forward&forward_type=forward&username0=test&
[email protected] Response (XML format)<SetDefaultEmailForwardingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_email_forward&forward_type=forward&username0=test&
[email protected] Response (JSON format){
Set Clear Default Setting Command
If calling the set clear default setting command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Clear Default Setting Request ParameterExplanation
Set Clear Default Setting Request Parameter
serviceThe service you want to clear, it can be "forward", "stealth", "email_forwarding", "dns", and "nameservers"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetClearDefaultSettingResponse></SetClearDefaultSettingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetClearDefaultSettingHeader></SetClearDefaultSettingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Clear Default Setting ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_clear_default_setting&service=nameservers
Response (XML format)<SetClearDefaultSettingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_clear_default_setting&service=nameservers
Response (JSON format){
Set Default Renew Option Command
If calling set default renew option command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Default Renew Option Request ParameterExplanation
Set Default Renew Option Request Parameter
renew_optionIt can be "donot", "auto", "reset"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetDefaultRenewOptionResponse></SetDefaultRenewOptionResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetDefaultRenewOptionHeader></SetDefaultRenewOptionHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Default Renew Option Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_default_renew_option&renew_option=auto
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_default_renew_option&renew_option=auto
Response (JSON format){
"SetDefaultRenewOptionResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Create Folder Command
If calling create folder command, the following parameters should be included:
Create Folder Request ParameterExplanation
Create Folder Request Parameter
folder_nameName of the folder you want to create
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<FolderCreateResponse></FolderCreateResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<FolderCreateHeader></FolderCreateHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<FolderCreateContent></FolderCreateContent>Response content
<FolderName></FolderName>folder name
<FolderId></FolderId>ID of the new folder
Create Folder ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=create_folder&folder_name=new
Response (XML format)<FolderCreateResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=create_folder&folder_name=new
Response (JSON format){
Delete Folder Command
If calling set Whois command, the following parameters should be included:
Delete Folder Request ParameterExplanation
Delete Folder Request Parameter
folder_idThe ID of folders you want to delete, make sure that they separated by commas
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<DeleteFolderResponse></DeleteFolderResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<DeleteFolderHeader></DeleteFolderHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Delete Folder Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=delete_folder&folder_id=0,1
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=delete_folder&folder_id=0,1
Response (JSON format){
"DeleteFolderResponse": {
"SuccessCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Set Folder Whois Command
If calling set folder Whois command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Whois Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Whois Request Parameter
folder_idThe folder's ID you want to set
registrant_contactThe registrant's information of the domain
admin_contactThe administrator's information of the domain
technical_contactThe technical information of the domain
billing_contactThe billing information of the domain
enable (optional)If you want to apply this Whois setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
sync (optional)If you want to synchronize this Whois setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderWhoisResponse></SetFolderWhoisResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderWhoisHeader></SetFolderWhoisHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder Whois ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_whois&folder_id=0®istrant_contact=0&admin_contact=0&technical_contact=0&billing_contact=0
Response (XML format)<SetFolderWhoisResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_whois&folder_id=0®istrant_contact=0&admin_contact=0&technical_contact=0&billing_contact=0
Response (JSON format){
Set Folder Name Servers Command
If calling the set folder name servers command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Name Servers Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Name Servers Request Parameter
fold_idThe folder's ID you want to set, only 1 folder can be set per request
ns0 - ns12The name servers to set your domain to use, you can specify up to 13 name servers, but they must already be in your account
enable (optional)If you want to apply this name servers setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
sync (optional)If you want to synchronize name server setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderNsResponse></SetFolderNsResponse>Tag of set folder name server response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderNsHeader></SetFolderNsHeader>Tag of set folder name server response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<SetFolderNsContent></SetFolderNsContent>Tag of set folder name server response content, it's only used when the status is "success"
<Servers></Servers>The information of the servers you have set
<Server></Server>Each server
<ServerName></ServerName>Server name
<ServerId></ServerId>Server ID
Set Folder Ns Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_ns&folder_id=0&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_ns&folder_id=0&
Response (JSON format){
"SetFolderNsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"SetFolderNsContent": {
"Servers": [
"ServerName": "",
"ServerId": "0"
"ServerName": "",
"ServerId": "1"
Set Folder Parking Command
If calling the set folder parking command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Parking Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Parking Request Parameter
folder_idThe folder's ID you want to set, only 1 folder can be set per request
with_ads (optional)If you don't want a 3rd-party ads, you can use this parameter with "no", default value is "yes"
enable (optional)If you want to apply this parking setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
sync (optional)If you want to synchronize parking setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderParkingResponse></SetFolderParkingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderParkingHeader></SetFolderParkingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder Parking ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_parking&folder_id=0&with_ads=no
Response (XML format)<SetFolderParkingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_parking&folder_id=0&with_ads=no
Response (JSON format){
Set Folder Forwarding Command
If calling the set folder forwarding command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Forwarding Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Forwarding Request Parameter
folder_idThe folder's ID you want to set
forward_urlThe URL you want your domain to forward to. Please note that the parameter must be encoded so that the API call is interpreted properly. is_temp (optional)Forward status of your domain you want, default value is "temporary", if you want to forward permanently, use this parameter with "no"
enable (optional)If you want to apply this forward setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
sync (optional)If you want to synchronize forward setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderForwardingResponse></SetFolderForwardingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderForwardingHeader></SetFolderForwardingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder Forwarding ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_forwarding&folder_id=0&forward_url=
Response (XML format)<SetFolderForwardingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_forwarding&folder_id=0&forward_url=
Response (JSON format){
Set Folder Stealth Command
If calling set folder stealth command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Stealth Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Stealth Request Parameter
folder_idThe folder's ID that you want to set
stealth_urlThe URL you want your domain to forward to. Please note that the parameter must be encoded so that the API call is interpreted properly. stealth_title (optional)The title of the page
enable (optional)If you want to apply this stealth setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
sync (optional)If you want to synchronize stealth setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderStealthResponse></SetFolderStealthResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderStealthHeader></SetFolderStealthHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder Stealth ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_stealth&folder_id=0&stealth_title=obama's shop&stealth_url=
Response (XML format)<SetFolderStealthResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_stealth&folder_id=0&stealth_title=obama's shop&stealth_url=
Response (JSON format){
Set Folder Hosting Command
If calling the set folder hosting command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Hosting Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Hosting Request Parameter
folder_idThe folder's ID you want to set
hosting_typeType of the hosting you want, you can select in "advanced" and "basic"
enable (optional)If you want to apply this hosting setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
even (optional)If you want to synchronize hosting setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderHostingResponse></SetFolderHostingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderHostingHeader></SetFolderHostingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder Hosting ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_hosting&folder_id=0&hosting_type=advanced&sync=yes
Response (XML format)<SetFolderHostingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_hosting&folder_id=0&hosting_type=advanced&sync=yes
Response (JSON format){
Set Folder DNS Command
If calling set folder DNS command, the following parameters should be included:
( This command is outdated and not recommended, please use Set Folder DNS2 Command instead )
Set Folder DNS Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder DNS Request Parameter
folder_idThe ID of the folder which you want to set
main_record_typeMain record type
main_recordSpecify a DNS record for your domain
main_recordSpecify a DNS record for your domain
with_ads (optional)Specify a TXT record for your domain. If your main_record_type is aaaa and specified a main_record2, you can set upto 3 main_txts, otherwise, you can set upto 4 main_txts.
main_record2Main record 2, only used when "main_record_type" is "aaaa". Its value must be in ipv4 format.
subdomain0 - subdomain99 (optional)Subdomain records (optional)
sub_record_type0 - sub_record_type99 (optional)Subdomain records type
sub_record0 - sub_record99 (optional)IP address or target host
mx_host0 - mx_host2 (optional)Specify the mail host for your domain, distance0 is the highest priority.
mx_distance0 - mx_distance2 (optional)Distance0 is highest priority
ttl (optional)Time to live
enable (optional)If you want to apply this DNS setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
sync (optional)If you want to synchronize this DNS server setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderDnsResponse></SetFolderDnsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderDnsHeader></SetFolderDnsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder DNS ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_dns&folder_id=0&main_record_type=aaaa&main_record=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Response (XML format)<SetFolderDnsResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_dns&folder_id=0&main_record_type=aaaa&main_record=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Response (JSON format){
Set Folder DNS2 Command
If calling set folder DNS2 command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder DNS2 Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder DNS2 Request Parameter
folder_idThe ID of the folder which you want to set
main_record_type0 - main_record_type19Main record type, should be "a", "aaaa", "cname", "forward", "txt", "mx", "stealth", "email"
main_record0 - main_record19Specify the DNS record for your domain
main_recordx0 - main_recordx19Mx distance, forward type, stealth forward title or email alias, necessary when main_record_type is "forward","mx","stealth","email"
subdomain0 - subdomain99 (optional)Subdomain records (optional)
sub_record_type0 - sub_record_type99 (optional)Subdomain records type, should be "a", "aaaa", "cname", "forward", "txt", "srv", "mx", "stealth", "email"
sub_record0 - sub_record99 (optional)IP address or target host
sub_recordx0 - sub_recordx99 (optional)Mx distance, forward type, stealth forward title or email alias, necessary when sub_record_type is "forward","mx","stealth","email"
ttl (optional)Time to live
enable (optional)If you want to apply this DNS setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
sync (optional)If you want to synchronize this DNS server setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderDnsResponse></SetFolderDnsResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderDnsHeader></SetFolderDnsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder Dns2 Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_dns2&folder_id=0&main_record_type0=aaaa&main_record0=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_dns2&folder_id=0&main_record_type0=aaaa&main_record0=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
Response (JSON format){
"SetFolderDnsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Set Folder Email Forward Command
If calling set folder email forward command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Email Forward Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Email Forward Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to set, 100 domains can be set per request, make sure they are separated by commas
folder_idID of the folder you want to set
forward_typeForward type, it can be "donot": Do not forward email, "mx": Deliver email to another mail host (MX record), "forward": Deliver email to another mail host
username0 - username9Username, only used when "forward_type" is "forward"
exist_email0 - exist_email9Existing email address, only used when "forward_type" is "forward"
mx_host0 - mx_host2Mail host, only used when "forward_type" is "mx"
mx_distance0 - mx_distance2Distance0 is the highest priority, only used when "forward_type" is "mx"
enable (optional)If you want to apply this setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
sync (optional)If you want to synchronize this setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderEmailForwardingResponse></SetFolderEmailForwardingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderEmailForwardingHeader></SetFolderEmailForwardingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder Email Forward ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_email_forward&folder_id=0&forward_type=forward&username0=test&
[email protected] Response (XML format)<SetFolderEmailForwardingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_email_forward&folder_id=0&forward_type=forward&username0=test&
[email protected] Response (JSON format){
Set Clear Folder Setting Command
If calling the set clear folder setting command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Clear Folder Setting Request ParameterExplanation
Set Clear Folder Setting Request Parameter
folder_idThe folder's ID you want to set
serviceThe service you want to clear, it can be "forward", "stealth", "email_forwarding", "dns", and "nameservers"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetClearFolderSettingResponse></SetClearFolderSettingResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetClearFolderSettingHeader></SetClearFolderSettingHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Clear Folder Setting ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_clear_folder_setting&folder_id=0&service=nameservers
Response (XML format)<SetClearFolderSettingResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_clear_folder_setting&folder_id=0&service=nameservers
Response (JSON format){
Set Folder Name Command
If calling set folder name command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Name Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Name Request Parameter
folder_idID of the folder that you want to set
folder_nameNew folder name
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetFolderNameResponse></SetFolderNameResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<SetFolderNameHeader></SetFolderNameHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Folder Name ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_name&folder_id=0&folder_name=new
Response (XML format)<SetFolderNameResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_name&folder_id=0&folder_name=new
Response (JSON format){
Set Folder Renew Option Command
If calling the set folder renew option command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Folder Renew Option Request ParameterExplanation
Set Folder Renew Option Request Parameter
folder_idThe folder's ID you want to set, only 1 folder can be set per request
renew_optionThe renew option you want to set to the folder; it can be "donot", "auto" or "reset"
enable (optional)If you want to apply this renew setting to future domains that you move to this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
sync (optional)If you want to synchronize renew setting of all domains in this folder, you can use this parameter with "yes"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<Response></Response>Root node of the response XML document
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>Response code, "0" for success, "-1" for failed
<Error></Error>Error information, it is only used when response code is "-1"
Set Folder Renew Option ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_renew_option&folder_id=0&renew_option=auto
Response (XML format)<SetFolderRenewOptionResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_folder_renew_option&folder_id=0&renew_option=auto
Response (JSON format){
Folder List Command
This command is only available in XML and JSON format:
Folder List Request ParameterExplanation
Folder List Request Parameter
N/ANo extra parameter needed
<FolderListResponse></FolderListResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<FolderListHeader></FolderListHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<FolderListContent></FolderListContent>Response content
<FolderList></FolderList>Folder list
<FolderId></FolderId>Folder ID
<FolderName></FolderName>Folder name
<DefaultWhois></DefaultWhois>Default Whois
<DefaultWhoisEnableStatus></DefaultWhoisEnableStatus>Default Whois enable status
<DefaultRegistrant></DefaultRegistrant>Default registrant
<ContactId></ContactId>Contact's ID
<DefaultAdmin></DefaultAdmin>Default admin
<DefaultTechnical></DefaultTechnical>Default technical info
<DefaultBilling></DefaultBilling>Default billing info
<DefaultNameServerEnableStatus></DefaultNameServerEnableStatus>Default name server enable status
<NameServerSettings></NameServerSettings>Name server settings
<Type></Type>Name server type
<WithAds></WithAds>With ads or not
<DefaultRenewOption></DefaultRenewOption>Default renew option
<DefaultRenewOptionEnableStatus></DefaultRenewOptionEnableStatus>Default renew option enable status
<RenewOption></RenewOption>Renew option
<DefaultTransferLock></DefaultTransferLock>Default transfer lock
<DefaultTransferLockEnableStatus></DefaultTransferLockEnableStatus>Default transfer lock enable status
<LockStatus></LockStatus>Lock status
Folder List ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=folder_list
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Type>Dynadot Parking</Type>
<RenewOption>no renew option</RenewOption>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=folder_list
Response (JSON format){
"FolderListResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"FolderList": [
"FolderId": "0",
"FolderName": "new",
"DefaultWhois": {
"DefaultWhoisEnableStatus": "disable",
"DefaultRegistrant": {
"ContactId": "0"
"DefaultAdmin": {
"ContactId": "0"
"DefaultTechnical": {
"ContactId": "0"
"DefaultBilling": {
"ContactId": "0"
"DefaultNameServers": {
"DefaultTransferLockEnableStatus": "disable",
"NameServerSettings": {
"Type": "Dynadot Parking",
"WithAds": "Yes"
"DefaultRenewOption": {
"DefaultRenewOptionEnableStatus": "disable",
"RenewOption": "no renew option"
"DefaultTransferLock": {
"DefaultTransferLockEnableStatus": "disable",
"LockStatus": "locked"
Add Backorder Request Command
If calling add backorder request command, the following parameters should be included:
Add Backorder Request Request ParameterExplanation
Add Backorder Request Request Parameter
domainThe domain(s) you want to add and agree to pay for if Dynadot catches it, 100 domains can be added per request, they should be separated by commas
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<AddBackorderRequestResponse></AddBackorderRequestResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<AddBackorderRequestHeader></AddBackorderRequestHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Add Backorder Request ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=add_backorder_request&,,
Response (XML format)<AddBackorderRequestResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=add_backorder_request&,,
Response (JSON format){
Delete Backorder Request Command
If calling delete backorder request command, the following parameters should be included:
Delete Backorder Request Request ParameterExplanation
Delete Backorder Request Request Parameter
domainThe domain(s) you want to remove from your backorder request list, 100 domains can be removed per request, they should be separated by commas
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<DeleteBackorderRequestResponse></DeleteBackorderRequestResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<DeleteBackorderRequestHeader></DeleteBackorderRequestHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Delete Backorder Request ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=delete_backorder_request&
Response (XML format)<DeleteBackorderRequestResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=delete_backorder_request&
Response (JSON format){
Backorder Request List Command
Calling the backorder request list command will return a list of backorder request list of specified account. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Backorder Request List Request ParameterExplanation
Backorder Request List Request Parameter
start_dateStart drop date of auction you want to request, yyyy-mm-dd, like 2015-05-05
end_dateEnd drop date of auction you want to request, yyyy-mm-dd, like 2015-05-05
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<BackorderRequestListResponse></BackorderRequestListResponse>Root node of the response XML document
<BackorderRequestListHeader></BackorderRequestListHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<BackorderRequestListContent></BackorderRequestListContent>Response content
<BackorderRequestList></BackorderRequestList>Backorder Request List
<BackorderRequest></BackorderRequest>Backorder Request
<Domain></Domain>Domain on your list
<CutoffTime></CutoffTime>Cutoff date to delete a request in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
<BackorderRequestStatus></BackorderRequestStatus>Status in the drop catching process
Backorder Request List Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=backorder_request_list&startDate=2015-01-01&endDate=2015-5-20
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=backorder_request_list&startDate=2015-01-01&endDate=2015-5-20
Response (JSON format){
"BackorderRequestListResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"BackorderRequestList": [
"DomainName": "",
"CutoffTime": "1403914140000",
"BackorderRequestStatus": "Active"
"DomainName": "",
"CutoffTime": "1403914140000",
"BackorderRequestStatus": "Active"
"DomainName": "",
"CutoffTime": "1403914140000",
"BackorderRequestStatus": "Active"
"DomainName": "",
"CutoffTime": "1403914140000",
"BackorderRequestStatus": "Active"
Request (CSV format)[API Key]&command=backorder_request_list&startDate=2015-01-01&endDate=2015-5-20
Response (CSV format)ok,success,Domain,CutoffTime,BackorderRequestStatus,,1403914140000,Active,,1403914140000,Active,,1403914140000,Active,,1403914140000,Active
Get Open Auctions Command
Calling the get open auctions command will return a list of auctions which are in progress. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Open Auctions Request ParameterExplanation
Get Open Auctions Request Parameter
currency (optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
typeThe auction type you want to see, it should be "expired", "user", "backorder", or "registry_expired", "registrar", if you want to get more than one auction types, you can use "," to split each auction type
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetOpenAuctionsResponse></GetOpenAuctionsResponse>Tag of get open auctions response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<GetOpenAuctionsHeader></GetOpenAuctionsHeader>Get open auctions header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetOpenAuctionsContent></GetOpenAuctionsContent>Tag of get open auctions content, it's only used when status is "success"
<Auction></Auction>Tag of auction item, it's only used when status is "success"
<AuctionId></AuctionId>ID of auction
<Domain></Domain>Domain name of auction
<BidPrice></BidPrice>Current bid price of auction
<BidPriceCurrency></BidPriceCurrency>Currency of bid price
<Bids></Bids>Count of auction bids
<EndTime></EndTime>End time of auction
<EndTimestamp></EndTimestamp>End date of auction in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
<Revenue></Revenue>Revenue of auction
<RevenueCurrency></RevenueCurrency>Currency of revenue
<Visitors></Visitors>Visitors of domain
<Links></Links>Inbound links of domain
<Age></Age>Age of domain
Get Open Auctions ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_open_auctions¤cy=usd&type=expired
Response (XML format)<GetOpenAuctionsResponse>
<EndTime>2015/04/28 05:46 UTC</EndTime>
<EndTime>2015/04/28 05:46 UTC</EndTime>
Request(csv format)¤cy=usd&type=expired
10001,,92.99,USD,0,2015/04/28 18:04 UTC,1430244248274,0.64,USD,-1,-1,1
10002,,77.99,USD,0,2015/05/01 06:04 UTC,1430460248338,86,USD,435,-1,1
10003,,11.25,USD,0,2015/05/05 06:04 UTC,1430805846946,91,USD,358,-1,1
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_open_auctions¤cy=usd&type=expired
Response (JSON format){
"status": "success",
"auction_list": [
"auction_id": 11,
"domain": "",
"utf_name": "",
"is_idn": false,
"auction_type": "expired",
"currency": "USD",
"current_bid_price": "124.00",
"bids": 4,
"bidders": 2,
"time_left": "1 day, 23 hours",
"start_time": "2022/03/28 02:20 PST",
"start_time_stamp": 1648459234033,
"end_time": "2022/04/04 02:20 PST",
"end_time_stamp": 1649064034033,
"visitors": 223,
"links": "-",
"age": 0,
"dyna_appraisal": "-"
"auction_id": 12,
"domain": "",
"utf_name": "",
"is_idn": false,
"auction_type": "expired",
"currency": "USD",
"current_bid_price": "44.99",
"bids": 1,
"bidders": 1,
"time_left": "2 days, 23 hours",
"start_time": "2022/03/29 02:20 PST",
"start_time_stamp": 1648545634049,
"end_time": "2022/04/05 02:20 PST",
"end_time_stamp": 1649150434049,
"visitors": 245,
"links": "-",
"age": 0,
"dyna_appraisal": "-"
Get Auction Details Command
Calling the get auction details command will return the details of auction specified. This command is only available in XML and JSON format. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Auction Details Request ParameterExplanation
Get Auction Details Request Parameter
domainThe domain name of auction, IDN(International Domain Name) should use punycode, such as "". you can get more than one auctions , each domain must be split by ","
currency (optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetAuctionDetailsResponse></GetAuctionDetailsResponse>Tag of get auction details response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<GetAuctionDetailsHeader></GetAuctionDetailsHeader>Get backorder auction details header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetAuctionDetailsContent></GetAuctionDetailsContent>Tag of get auction details content, it's only used when status is "success"
<AuctionStatusId></AuctionStatusId>Status id of auction : '0' for In Progress, '1' for Cancelled by User, '2' for Cancelled by Admin, '3' for Cancelled by Renewal, '4' for Complete, '5' for Cancelled by Transfer Away
<AuctionStatus></AuctionStatus>Status of auction
<UserIsHighBid></UserIsHighBid>If user is the highest bid
<YourCurrentBid></YourCurrentBid>Your current bid price for specified auction. If you haven't placed a bid, it will be '-1'
<YourProxyBid></YourProxyBid>Your proxy bid for specified auction. If you haven't placed a bid, it will be '-1' <AuctionId></AuctionId>ID of auction
<Domain></Domain>Domain name of auction
<BidPrice></BidPrice>Current bid price of auction
<BidPriceCurrency></BidPriceCurrency>Currency of bid price
<Bids></Bids>Count of auction bids
<EndTime></EndTime>End time of auction
<EndTimestamp></EndTimestamp>End date of auction in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
<IsPremium></IsPremium>Whether it is a premium domain
<RenewalPrice></RenewalPrice>Renewal price
Get Auction Details ExampleRequest (XML format)¤cy=usd
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EndTime>1970/01/01 00:00 UTC</EndTime>
Request (JSON format)¤cy=usd
Response (JSON format){
"status": "success",
"size": 1,
"auction_details": [
"auction_json": {
"auction_id": 0,
"domain": "",
"utf_name": "",
"is_idn": false,
"auction_type": "expired",
"current_bid_price": "46.99",
"accepted_bid_price": "46.99",
"currency": "USD",
"is_high_bidder": false,
"bids": 0,
"bidders": 0,
"auction_status_id": 0,
"time_left": "1",
"start_time": "1",
"start_time_stamp": 0,
"end_time": "",
"end_time_stamp": 0,
"revenue": "1",
"visitors": -1,
"links": "1",
"age": 10,
"estibot_appraisal": "",
"bidder_name": "",
"bid_price": "",
"timestamp": 0,
"bid_status": "",
"is_proxy_auto_bid": false,
"auction_ended": false,
"customer_bided": false,
"customer_bid": "1",
"customer_proxy_bid": "1",
"is_premium": false,
"renewal_price": "-0.1"
"bid_history": []
Get Auction Bids Command
Calling the get auction bids command will get your bids list which you took part in. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Auction Bids Request ParameterExplanation
Get Auction Bids Request Parameter
currency (optional)The currency of your bid, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetAuctionBidsResponse></GetAuctionBidsResponse>Tag of get auction bids response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<GetAuctionBidsHeader></GetAuctionBidsHeader>Get auction bids header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetAuctionBidsContent></GetAuctionBidsContent>Tag of get auction bids content, it's only used when status is "success"
<BidList></BidList> Bid List
<Bid></Bid> Bid Item
<BidId></BidId> ID of bid
<AuctionId></AuctionId> ID of auction
<AccountId></AccountId>ID of account
<Domain></Domain>Domain name of auction
<DomainUtf></DomainUtf>Domain utf name of auction
<AuctionType></AuctionType>Type of auction
<IsIdn></IsIdn>If this domain is Internationalized Domain Name
<CurrentBid></CurrentBid>Current bid price for the auction
<YourStatus></YourStatus>Your bid status for the auction
<ProxyBid></ProxyBid>Your proxy bid price for the auction
<ActiveBidders></ActiveBidders>The amount of bidders who take part in this auction
<TimeLeft></TimeLeft>the left time for the auction
<EndTime></EndTime>The end time for the auction
<EndTimestamp></EndTimestamp>The end time stamp for the auction
Get Auction Bids ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_auction_bids&currency=usd
Response (XML format)<GetAuctionBidsResponse>
<YourStatus>Out Bid</YourStatus>
<TimeLeft>1 day, 6 hours</TimeLeft>
<EndTime>2022/04/04 02:20:34 PST</EndTime>
<YourStatus>High Bidder</YourStatus>
<TimeLeft>2 days, 6 hours</TimeLeft>
<EndTime>2022/04/05 02:20:34 PST</EndTime>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_auction_bids&currency=usd
Response (JSON format){
"status": "success",
"auction_bids": [
"bid_id": 0,
"auction_id": 11,
"account_id": "1",
"domain": "",
"domain_utf": "",
"auction_type": "expired",
"is_idn": false,
"current_bid": "$44.99",
"your_status": "High Bidder",
"proxy_bid": "$119.00",
"active_bidders": 1,
"time_left": "1 day, 23 hours",
"end_time": "2022/04/04 02:20:34 PST",
"end_time_stamp": 1649064034033
"bid_id": 2,
"auction_id": 12,
"account_id": "1",
"domain": "",
"domain_utf": "",
"auction_type": "expired",
"is_idn": false,
"current_bid": "$44.99",
"your_status": "High Bidder",
"proxy_bid": "$119.00",
"active_bidders": 1,
"time_left": "2 days, 23 hours",
"end_time": "2022/04/05 02:20:34 PST",
"end_time_stamp": 1649150434049
Place Auction Bid Command
Calling the place auction bid command will place a bid for specified auction. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Place Auction Bid Request ParameterExplanation
Place Auction Bid Request Parameter
domainThe domain name of auction, IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) should use punycode, such as ""
bid_amountYour bid amount for auction, default currency is US Dollars, you can also specify it by currency parameter below
currency (optional)The currency of your bid, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<PlaceAuctionBidResponse></PlaceAuctionBidResponse>Tag of place auction bid response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<PlaceAuctionBidHeader></PlaceAuctionBidHeader>Place auction bid header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Domain ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=place_auction_bid&¤cy=usd
Response (XML format)<PlaceAuctionBidResponse>
Request(csv format)¤cy=usd
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=place_auction_bid&¤cy=usd
Response (JSON format){
"status": "success",
"auction_details": {
"auction_json": {
"auction_id": 12,
"domain": "",
"utf_name": "",
"is_idn": false,
"auction_type": "expired",
"current_bid_price": "44.99",
"accepted_bid_price": "45.99",
"currency": "USD",
"is_high_bidder": true,
"bids": 3,
"bidders": 2,
"time_left": "2 days, 22 hours",
"start_time": "2022/03/29 02:20 PST",
"start_time_stamp": 1648545634049,
"end_time": "2022/04/05 02:20 PST",
"end_time_stamp": 1649150434049,
"revenue": "$26.50",
"visitors": 245,
"links": "-",
"age": 0,
"dyna_appraisal": "-",
"auction_ended": false,
"customer_bided": true,
"customer_bid": "44.99",
"customer_proxy_bid": "$121.00"
"bid_history": [
"bidder_name": "You",
"bid_price": "44.99",
"currency": "USD",
"timestamp": 1648892255084,
"bid_status": "High Bidder",
"is_proxy_auto_bid": false
... ]
Get Closed Auctions Command
Calling the get closed auctions command will return a list of closed auctions of specified account. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Closed Auctions Request ParameterExplanation
Get Closed Auctions Request Parameter
start_dateStart date of auction, yyyy-mm-dd, like 2015-05-05
end_dateEnd date of auction, yyyy-mm-dd, like 2015-05-05
currency (optional)The currency of your bid, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetClosedAuctionsResponse></GetClosedAuctionsResponse>Tag of get closed auctions response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<GetClosedAuctionsHeader></GetClosedAuctionsHeader>Get closed auctions header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetClosedAuctionsContent></GetClosedAuctionsContent>Tag of get closed auctions content, it's only used when status is "success"
<Auction></Auction>Tag of auction item, it's only used when status is "success"
<AuctionId></AuctionId>ID of auction
<Domain></Domain>Domain name of auction
<AuctionStatusId></AuctionStatusId>Status id of auction, '0' for In Progress and '1' for Closed by User, '2' for Closed by Admin, '3' for Closed by Renewal, '4' for Closed by Timeout, '5' for Closed by Transfer Away
<AuctionStatus></AuctionStatus>Status of auction
<BidPrice></BidPrice>Current bid price of auction
<BidPriceCurrency></BidPriceCurrency>Currency of bid price
<Bids></Bids>Count of auction bids
<AuctionWonStatus></AuctionWonStatus>If user won this auction
<YourHighBid></YourHighBid>Your high bid for this auction
<YourProxyBid></YourProxyBid>Your proxy bid for this auction
Get Closed Auctions Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_closed_auctions&startDate=2000-01-02&endDate=2015-5-15
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AuctionStatus>Closed by Timeout</AuctionStatus>
<AuctionStatus>Closed by Timeout</AuctionStatus>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_closed_auctions&startDate=2000-01-02&endDate=2015-5-15
Response (JSON format){
"GetClosedAuctionsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"Auctions": [
"AuctionId": "2",
"Domain": "testdomain1.test",
"AuctionStatusId": "4",
"AuctionStatus": "Closed by Timeout",
"BidPrice": "89.99",
"BidPriceCurrency": "USD",
"Bids": "1",
"AuctionWonStatus": "won",
"YourHighBid": "89.99",
"YourProxyBid": "1000.0"
"AuctionId": "3",
"Domain": "testdomain2.test",
"AuctionStatusId": "4",
"AuctionStatus": "Closed by Timeout",
"BidPrice": "28.99",
"BidPriceCurrency": "USD",
"Bids": "1",
"AuctionWonStatus": "won",
"YourHighBid": "28.99",
"YourProxyBid": "1000.0"
Request (CSV format)[API Key]&command=get_closed_auctions&startDate=2000-01-02&endDate=2015-5-15
Response (CSV format)ok,success,AuctionId,Domain,AuctionStatusId,AuctionStatus,BidPrice,BidPriceCurrency,Bids,AuctionWonStatus,YourHighBid,YourProxyBid,2,testdomain1.test,4,Closed by Timeout,89.99,USD,1,won,89.99,1000.0,3,testdomain2.test,4,Closed by Timeout,28.99,USD,1,won,28.99,1000.0
Get Open Backorder Auctions Command(Deprecated,please use get_open_auctions command)
Calling the get open backorder auctions command will return a list of backorder auctions which are in progress. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Open Backorder Auctions Request ParameterExplanation
Get Open Backorder Auctions Request Parameter
currency (optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetOpenBackorderAuctionsResponse></GetOpenBackorderAuctionsResponse>Tag of get open backorder auctions response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<GetOpenBackorderAuctionsHeader></GetOpenBackorderAuctionsHeader>Get open backorder auctions header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetOpenBackorderAuctionsContent></GetOpenBackorderAuctionsContent>Tag of get open backorder auctions content, it's only used when status is "success"
<Auction></Auction>Tag of auction item, it's only used when status is "success"
<AuctionId></AuctionId>ID of auction
<Domain></Domain>Domain name of auction
<BidPrice></BidPrice>Current bid price of auction
<BidPriceCurrency></BidPriceCurrency>Currency of bid price
<Bids></Bids>Count of auction bids
<EndTime></EndTime>End time of auction
<EndTimestamp></EndTimestamp>End date of auction in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
Get Open Backorder Auctions ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_open_backorder_auctions¤cy=usd
Response (XML format)<GetOpenBackorderAuctionsResponse>
<EndTime>2015/04/28 05:46 UTC</EndTime>
<EndTime>2015/04/28 05:46 UTC</EndTime>
Request(csv format)¤cy=usd
10000,,6.35,USD,0,2017/08/29 17:53 UTC,1504029194453
10001,,1.0,USD,0,2017/08/29 17:53 UTC,1504029194453
10002,,1.0,USD,0,2017/08/29 17:53 UTC,1504029194453
Get Backorder Auction Details Command
Calling the get backorder auction details command will return the details of auction specified. This command is only available in XML and JSON format. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Auction Details Request ParameterExplanation
Get Auction Details Request Parameter
domainThe domain name of backorder auction, IDN(International Domain Name) should use punycode, such as ""
currency (optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetBackorderAuctionDetailsResponse></GetBackorderAuctionDetailsResponse>Tag of get auction details response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<GetAuctionDetailsHeader></GetAuctionDetailsHeader>Get auction details header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetAuctionDetailsContent></GetAuctionDetailsContent>Tag of get auction details content, it's only used when status is "success"
<AuctionStatusId></AuctionStatusId>Status id of auction, '0' for In Progress and '1' for Closed by User, '2' for Closed by Admin, '3' for Closed by Renewal, '4' for Closed by Timeout, '5' for Closed by Transfer Away
<AuctionStatus></AuctionStatus>Status of auction
<AuctionId></AuctionId>ID of auction
<Domain></Domain>Domain name of auction
<BidPrice></BidPrice>Current bid price of auction
<BidPriceCurrency></BidPriceCurrency>Currency of bid price
<Bids></Bids>Count of auction bids
<EndTime></EndTime>End time of auction
<EndTimestamp></EndTimestamp>End date of auction in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
<Revenue></Revenue>Revenue of auction
<RevenueCurrency></RevenueCurrency>Currency of revenue
<Visitors></Visitors>Visitors of domain
<Links></Links>Inbound links of domain
<Age></Age>Age of domain
<UserIsHighBid></UserIsHighBid>If user is the highest bid
<YourCurrentBid></YourCurrentBid>Your current bid price for specified auction. If you haven't placed a bid, it will be '-1'
<YourProxyBid></YourProxyBid>Your proxy bid for specified auction. If you haven't placed a bid, it will be '-1' Get Backorder Auction Details ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_backorder_auction_details&¤cy=usd
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AuctionStatus>In Progress</AuctionStatus>
<EndTime>2015/04/28 18:16 UTC</EndTime>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_backorder_auction_details&¤cy=usd
Response (JSON format){
"GetBackorderAuctionDetailsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"GetBackorderAuctionDetails": {
"AuctionStatusId": "0",
"AuctionStatus": "In Progress",
"UserIsHighBid": "no",
"YourCurrentBid": "-1",
"YourProxyBid": "-1",
"Auction": {
"AuctionId": "10001",
"Domain": "",
"BidPrice": "89.99",
"BidPriceCurrency": "USD",
"Bids": "0",
"EndTime": "2015/04/28 18:16 UTC",
"EndTimestamp": "1430244969779"
Place Backorder Auction Bid Command
Calling the place backorder auction bid command will place a bid for specified backorder auction. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Place Backorder Auction Bid Request ParameterExplanation
Place Backorder Auction Bid Request Parameter
domainThe domain name of auction, IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) should use punycode, such as ""
bid_amountYour bid amount for auction, default currency is US Dollars, you can also specify it by currency parameter below
currency (optional)The currency of your bid, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<PlaceBakcorderAuctionBidResponse></PlaceBakcorderAuctionBidResponse>Tag of place auction bid response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<PlaceBackorderAuctionBidHeader></PlaceBackorderAuctionBidHeader>Place auction bid header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Place Backorder Auction Bid ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=place_backorder_auction_bid&¤cy=usd
Response (XML format)<PlaceBakcorderAuctionBidResponse>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=place_backorder_auction_bid&¤cy=usd
Response (JSON format){
Request (CSV format)[API Key]&command=place_backorder_auction_bid&¤cy=usd
Response (CSV format)ok,success
Get Closed Backorder Auctions Command
Calling the get closed backorder auctions command will return a list of closed backorder auctions of specified account. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Closed Backorder Auctions Request ParameterExplanation
Get Closed Backorder Auctions Request Parameter
start_dateStart date of auction, yyyy-mm-dd, like 2015-05-05
end_dateEnd date of auction, yyyy-mm-dd, like 2015-05-05
currency (optional)The currency of your bid, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetClosedBackorderAuctionsResponse></GetClosedBackorderAuctionsResponse>Tag of get closed auctions response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<GetClosedBackorderAuctionsHeader></GetClosedBackorderAuctionsHeader>Get closed auctions header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetClosedBackorderAuctionsContent></GetClosedBackorderAuctionsContent>Tag of get closed auctions content, it's only used when status is "success"
<Auction></Auction>Tag of auction item, it's only used when status is "success"
<YourHighBid></YourHighBid>Your high bid for this auction
<YourProxyBid></YourProxyBid>Your proxy bid for this auction
<AuctionId></AuctionId>ID of auction
<Domain></Domain>Domain name of auction
<AuctionStatusId></AuctionStatusId>Status id of auction, '0' for In Progress and '1' for Closed by User, '2' for Closed by Admin, '3' for Closed by Renewal, '4' for Closed by Timeout, '5' for Closed by Transfer Away
<AuctionStatus></AuctionStatus>Status of auction
<BidPrice></BidPrice>Current bid price of auction
<BidPriceCurrency></BidPriceCurrency>Currency of bid price
<Bids></Bids>Count of auction bids
Get Closed Backorder Auctions Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_closed_backorder_auctions&startDate=2000-01-02&endDate=2015-5-15
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EndTime>2022/04/04 02:20:34 PST</EndTime>
<EndTime>2022/04/05 02:20:34 PST</EndTime>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_closed_backorder_auctions&startDate=2000-01-02&endDate=2015-5-15
Response (JSON format){
"GetClosedBackorderAuctionsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"Auctions": [
"AuctionWonStatus": "won",
"YourHighBid": "89.99",
"YourProxyBid": "1000.0",
"AuctionId": "2",
"Domain": "testdomain1.test",
"BidPrice": "89.99",
"BidPriceCurrency": "USD",
"Bids": "1",
"EndTime": "2022/04/04 02:20:34 PST",
"EndTimestamp": "1649064034033"
"AuctionWonStatus": "won",
"YourHighBid": "28.99",
"YourProxyBid": "1000.0",
"AuctionId": "3",
"Domain": "testdomain2.test",
"BidPrice": "28.99",
"BidPriceCurrency": "USD",
"Bids": "1",
"EndTime": "2022/04/05 02:20:34 PST",
"EndTimestamp": "1649150434049"
Request (CSV format)[API Key]&command=get_closed_backorder_auctions&startDate=2000-01-02&endDate=2015-5-15
Response (CSV format)ok,success,AuctionId,Domain,AuctionStatusId,AuctionStatus,BidPrice,BidPriceCurrency,Bids,AuctionWonStatus,YourHighBid,YourProxyBid,2,testdomain1.test,4,Closed by Timeout,89.99,USD,1,won,89.99,1000.0,3,testdomain2.test,4,Closed by Timeout,28.99,USD,1,won,28.99,1000.0
Get Expired Closeout Domains Command
Calling the Get Expired Closeout Domains Command will Get Expired Closeout Domains. This command is only available in XML and JSON format. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Expired Closeout Domains Request ParameterExplanation
Get Expired Closeout Domains Request Parameter
currency(optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
domain(optional)Add this parameter if you want to query for a closeout domain
count_per_page (optional)How many entities are displayed per page
page_index (optional)Which page's entities do you want to view
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetExpiredCloseoutDomainsResponse></GetExpiredCloseoutDomainsResponse>Tag of Get Expired Closeout Domains response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<GetExpiredCloseoutDomainsHeader></GetExpiredCloseoutDomainsHeader>Get Expired Closeout Domains Header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetExpiredCloseoutDomainsContent></GetExpiredCloseoutDomainsContent>Tag of content, it's only used when status is "success"
<DomainName></DomainName>The domain name
<DomainNameUtf></DomainNameUtf>The domain name is in utf format
<CurrentPrice></CurrentPrice>current price
<isIdn></isIdn>Whether it is the idn domain name
<EndTimeStamp></EndTimeStamp>End date of auction in Unix time (milliseconds since midnight UTC of January 1, 1970)
<RenewalPrice></RenewalPrice>Renewal price
<ExpiredRevenue></ExpiredRevenue>Revenue of closeout
<InboundLinks></InboundLinks>Inbound links of domain
<MonthlyVisitors></MonthlyVisitors>Visitors of domain
Get Expired Closeout Domains ExampleRequest (XML format)¤cy=usd
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)¤cy=usd
Response (JSON format){
"GetExpiredCloseoutDomainsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"Size": 1,
"CloseoutDomains": [
"closeoutItem": {
"domainName": "",
"domainNameUtf": "",
"currentPrice": "9.91",
"isIdn": false,
"endTimeStamp": 0,
"renewalPrice": "9.99",
"expiredRevenue": "9.90",
"estibotAppraisal": "1223",
"inboundLinks": -1,
"monthlyVisitors": -1,
"currency": "usd"
Buy Expired Closeout Domain Command
Calling the Buy Expired Closeout Domain Command will buy the specified domain name. This command is only available in XML and JSON format. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Buy Expired Closeout Domain Request ParameterExplanation
Buy Expired Closeout Domain Request Parameter
domainThe domain you want to buy, only 1 domain can be entered per request
currency(optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<BuyExpiredCloseoutDomainResponse></BuyExpiredCloseoutDomainResponse>Tag of Buy Expired Closeout Domain response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<BuyExpiredCloseoutDomainHeader></BuyExpiredCloseoutDomainHeader>Buy Expired Closeout Domain header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Buy Expired Closeout Domain ExampleRequest (XML format)¤cy=USD&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)¤cy=USD&
Response (JSON format){
"BuyExpiredCloseoutDomainResponse": {
"ResponseCode": "0",
"Status": "success"
Get Listings Command
If calling get listings command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Listings Request ParameterExplanation
Get Listings Request Parameter
currency (optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
exclude_pending_sale (optional)If you don't want to get pending sale lock listings, it should be "yes", default is "no"
show_other_registrar (optional)If you want to get other registrar listings, it should be "yes", default is "no"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetListingsResponse></GetListingsResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<GetListingsHeader></GetListingsHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetListingsContent></GetListingsContent>Listing content
<Listing></Listing>Listing item content
<ListingId></ListingId>Listing Id
<Domain></Domain>Domain name
<InBoundLinks></InBoundLinks>In bound links count
Get Listings ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]¤cy=usd&command=get_listings
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]¤cy=usd&command=get_listings
Response (JSON format){
"GetListingsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"Listing": [
"ListingId": "id1",
"Domain": "domain_name1",
"Price": "1",
"InboundLinks": "1",
"Age": "1",
"PendingSaleLocked": "No"
"ListingId": "id2",
"Domain": "domain_name2",
"Price": "2",
"InboundLinks": "2",
"Age": "2",
"PendingSaleLocked": "No"
Get Listing Item Command
If calling get listing item command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Listing Item Request ParameterExplanation
Get Listing Item Request Parameter
domainThe domain name you want to get detail, only 1 domain can be entered per request
currency (optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", default currency is US Dollars
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetListingItemResponse></GetListingItemResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<GetListingItemHeader></GetListingItemHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetListingsItemContent></GetListingsItemContent>Listing content
<Listing></Listing>Listing item content
<ListingId></ListingId>Listing Id
<Domain></Domain>Domain name
<InBoundLinks></InBoundLinks>In bound links count
Get Listing Item ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=get_listing_item¤cy=usd&domain=domain_name
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=get_listing_item¤cy=usd&domain=domain_name
Response (JSON format){
"GetListingsItemResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"Listing": {
"ListingId": "id",
"Domain": "domain_name",
"Price": "0",
"InboundLinks": "0",
"Age": "0",
"PendingSaleLocked": "No"
Buy It Now Command
If calling buy it now command, the following parameters should be included:
Buy It Now Request ParameterExplanation
Buy It Now Request Parameter
domainThe domain you want to buy, only 1 domain can be entered per request
currency (optional)The currency of return result, it should be "usd", "eur", or "cny", if no currency entered, the account default currency will be applied
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<BuyItNowResponse></BuyItNowResponse>Root node of the response XML documentXML document
<BuyItNowHeader></BuyItNowHeader>Response header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<Message></Message>It should be "domain order created", only used when status is "success".
Buy It Now Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=buy_it_now&domain=domain¤cy=currency
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=buy_it_now&domain=domain¤cy=currency
Response (JSON format){
"BuyItNowResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success"
Set For Sale Command
This command supports multi-thread.
Calling the Set For Sale Command will list your domain for sale in the Domain Marketplace. This command is only available in XML and JSON format.If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Set For Sale Request ParameterExplanation
Set For Sale Request Parameter
domainsThe domain you want to list your domain for sale in the Domain Marketplace, only 1 domain can be entered per request
for_sale_typeYou can choose a value from the following list to represent your sales type:
> marketplace:
List your domain for sale in the Domain Marketplace. New domain listings will be set to the category, sub-category, and price entered below. If an actual price is set, the domain will be available for immediate purchase and push to the buyer.
More info on the domain sale process >
> not_for_sale:
cancel listing
listing_type (optional)You can choose a value from the following list to represent your sales type through the market: (mandatory if for_sale_type is marketplace)
> buy_now
Setting a fixed price will set the domain to be available for immediate purchase and push to the buyer.
Note: For domain in add grace period, if there is a sale, it may no longer be grace deleted. More information about Grace Deletion
> make_offer
You may choose to set a minimum offer price or leave it blank to allow any offer amount.
Note: For domain in add grace period, if there is a sale, it may no longer be grace deleted. More information about Grace Deletion
> buy_now_and_make_offer
Setting a fixed price will set the domain to be available for immediate purchase and push to the buyer.
You may choose to set a minimum offer price or leave it blank to allow any offer amount.
Note: For domain in add grace period, if there is a sale, it may no longer be grace deleted. More information about Grace Deletion
price (optional)the price you want to sell your domain for. (mandatory if for_sale_type is marketplace)
minimum_offer (optional)the minimum offer you will accept for your domain. (mandatory if for_sale_type is marketplace)
installment (optional)Is installment payment allowed. If you want to enable installment payment, set it equal to "Yes"
maximum_installments (optional)The maximum number of installments allowedonly used when installment is "true"
You can choose a value from 2 to 12 to represent the maximum months for the installment payment
category (optional)choose a category for your domain, You can refer to the Category and Sub-category comparison table below for optional filling.
Sub-category (optional)choose a sub-category for your domain, You can refer to the Category and Sub-category comparison table below for selection.
Note: your parameter value needs to be the number corresponding to Sub-category.
Category | Sub-category |
advertising | marketing retail sales |
automotive | cars_trucks enthusiasts motorsports |
business | investment law money professions services |
careers_education | No subCategory |
consumer_goods_services | apparel electronics |
entertainment | games pop_culture |
fashion | No subCategory |
finance | No subCategory |
gambling | casino sports |
health | fitness medicine |
internet | blogs ecommerce domains web_design web_hosting |
other | No subCategory |
places | africa asia europe north_america south_america |
real_estate | No subCategory |
science | No subCategory |
society | culture news politics religion |
sports | leisure_activities professional |
technology | computers |
uncategorized | No subCategory |
adult | No subCategory |
home | No subCategory |
ai | No subCategory |
aerospace | No subCategory |
agency | No subCategory |
agriculture_company | No subCategory |
analytics | No subCategory |
alcohol | No subCategory |
babies_kids | No subCategory |
biotech | No subCategory |
clean_energy | No subCategory |
cleaning | No subCategory |
community | No subCategory |
construction_organization | No subCategory |
cryptocurrency_blockchain | No subCategory |
dating_relationship | No subCategory |
daycare | No subCategory |
dental | No subCategory |
drone | No subCategory |
e_commerce | No subCategory |
food_drink | No subCategory |
furniture | No subCategory |
games | No subCategory |
insurance | No subCategory |
interior_design | No subCategory |
legal_law | No subCategory |
motivational | No subCategory |
manufacturing | No subCategory |
marketing | No subCategory |
medical | No subCategory |
metaverse | No subCategory |
movies_tv | No subCategory |
music_audio | No subCategory |
news_media | No subCategory |
nft | No subCategory |
outdoor | No subCategory |
payment | No subCategory |
pets | No subCategory |
politics | No subCategory |
property_management | No subCategory |
recruitment_staffing | No subCategory |
services | No subCategory |
security | No subCategory |
social | No subCategory |
transportation | No subCategory |
travel | No subCategory |
video_books_magazines | No subCategory |
virtual_reality | No subCategory |
website_design | No subCategory |
Description (optional)Description of your domain
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetForSaleResponse></SetForSaleResponse>the root node of the response
<SetForSaleHeader></SetForSaleHeader>Set For Sale header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set For Sale Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=set_for_sale&
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=set_for_sale&
Response (JSON format){
"SetForSaleResponse": {
"ResponseCode: ": "0",
"Status": "Success"
Transfer Out Domain List Command
Calling the Transfer Out Domain List Command will get processing transfer out domain list. This command is only available in XML and JSON format.If calling this command
Transfer Out Domain List Request ParameterExplanation
Transfer Out Domain List Request Parameter
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<TransferOutDomainListResponse></TransferOutDomainListResponse>the root node of the response
<TransferOutDomainListHeader></TransferOutDomainListHeader>Transfer Out Domain List header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<TransferOutDomainListContent></TransferOutDomainListContent>Transfer Out Domain List header
<TransferOutDomainList></TransferOutDomainList>The list of transfer out domain
<Domain></Domain>The domain name
<OrderId></OrderId>The order id of transfer out domain
<ItemStatus></ItemStatus>The status of transfer out domain
Transfer Out Domain List Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=transfer_domain_list
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=transfer_domain_list
Response (JSON format){
"TransferOutDomainListResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 200,
"Status": "success",
"TransferOutDomainList": [
"orderId": 1,
"domain": "",
"itemStatus": "Pending"
Set Afternic Confirm Action Command
Calling the Set Afternic Confirm Action Command will set the domain to approve or disapprove fast-transfer on Afternic. This command is only available in XML and JSON format. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Afternic Confirm Action Request ParameterExplanation
Set Afternic Confirm Action Request Parameter
domainThe domain you want to set Afternic confirm fast transfer action, only 1 domain can be entered per request
actionThe action you want to set afternic confirm to, it should be "confirm_afternic", or "delete_from_afternic"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetAfternicConfirmActionResponse></SetAfternicConfirmActionResponse>Tag of Set Afternic Confirm Action response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<SetAfternicConfirmActionHeader></SetAfternicConfirmActionHeader>Set Afternic Confirm Action header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Afternic Confirm Action ExampleRequest (XML format)
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)
Response (JSON format){
"SetAfternicConfirmActionResponse": {
"ResponseCode": "0",
"Status": "success"
Set Sedo Confirm Action Command
Calling the Set Sedo Confirm Action Command will set the domain to approve or disapprove fast-transfer on Sedo. This command is only available in XML and JSON format. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Set Sedo Confirm Action Request ParameterExplanation
Set Sedo Confirm Action Request Parameter
domainThe domain you want to set Sedo confirm fast transfer action, only 1 domain can be entered per request
actionThe action you want to set sedo confirm to, it should be "confirm_sedo", or "delete_from_sedo"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<SetSedoConfirmActionResponse></SetSedoConfirmActionResponse>Tag of Set Sedo Confirm Action response, it's the root node of the response XML document
<SetSedoConfirmActionHeader></SetSedoConfirmActionHeader>Set Sedo Confirm Action header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
Set Sedo Confirm Action ExampleRequest (XML format)
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Request (JSON format)
Response (JSON format){
"SetSedoConfirmActionResponse": {
"ResponseCode": "0",
"Status": "success"
Order List Command
Calling the Order List Command will get order list. This command is only available in XML and JSON format.If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Order List Request ParameterExplanation
Order List Request Parameter
search_byYou can choose a value from the following list to represent your search type: date_range, domain, order_id
start_datethe start date of your query in the format of yyyy/MM/dd
end_datethe end date of your query in the format of yyyy/MM/dd
payment_methodYou can choose multiple values from the following list to represent your payment method:
payflow_credit_card2 (No longer used)
but please use comma to separate multiple values, for example: account_balance,credit_card
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<OrderListResponse></OrderListResponse>the root node of the response
<OrderListHeader></OrderListHeader>Order List header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<OrderListContent></OrderListContent>Order List header
<OrderList></OrderList>Contains multiple sets of order log data
<OrderItem></OrderItem>Contains single order log data
<OrderItemDomain></OrderItemDomain>The domain name that includes the items in this order
<OrderId></OrderId>Contains the id of the order
<SubmittedDate></SubmittedDate>Contains date the order was submitted
<Cost></Cost>Contains the cost of the order
<Status></Status>Contains the status of the order
Order List Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=order_list&search_by=date_range&start_date=2024/01/01&end_date=2024/01/31&payment_method=account_balance,credit_card
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PaymentMethod>Account Balance</PaymentMethod>
<ItemType>Domain Registration</ItemType>
<ItemType>Domain Renewal</ItemType>
<ItemType>Domain Transfer</ItemType>
<ItemType>Domain Registration</ItemType>
<ItemType>Domain Renewal</ItemType>
<ItemType>Domain Transfer</ItemType>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=order_list&search_by=date_range&start_date=2024/01/01&end_date=2024/01/31&payment_method=account_balance,credit_card
Response (JSON format){
"OrderListResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"OrderList": [
"OrderId": "123456",
"SubmittedDate": "2025/03/25",
"Currency": "USD",
"PaymentMethod": "Account Balance",
"TotalCost": "$8.00",
"TotalPaid": "$8.00",
"Status": "Problem",
"ItemList": [
"ItemType": "Domain Registration",
"Name": "",
"Duration": 1,
"Cost": "2.99",
"Status": "Completed"
"ItemType": "Domain Renewal",
"Name": "",
"Duration": 1,
"Cost": "3.99",
"Status": "Completed"
"ItemType": "Domain Transfer",
"Name": "",
"Duration": 1,
"Cost": "4.99",
"Status": "Completed"
"ItemType": "Domain Registration",
"Name": "",
"Duration": 1,
"Cost": "5.99",
"Status": "Completed"
"ItemType": "Domain Renewal",
"Name": "",
"Duration": 1,
"Cost": "6.99",
"Status": "Completed"
"ItemType": "Domain Transfer",
"Name": "",
"Duration": 1,
"Cost": "7.99",
"Status": "Completed"
"OrderId": "123457",
"SubmittedDate": "2025/03/25",
"Currency": "EUR",
"PaymentMethod": "Paypal",
"TotalCost": "$100.00",
"TotalPaid": "$100.00",
"Status": "Submitted",
"ItemList": []
Get Order Status Command
Calling the Get Order Status Command will get order status. This command is only available in XML and JSON format. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
Get Order Status Request ParameterExplanation
Get Order Status Request Parameter
order_idThe id of the order to be queried
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<GetOrderStatusResponse></GetOrderStatusResponse>the root node of the response
<GetOrderStatusHeader></GetOrderStatusHeader>Get Order Status header
<ResponseCode></ResponseCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<GetOrderStatusContent></GetOrderStatusContent>response content
<OrderId></OrderId>order id
<OrderStatus></OrderStatus>order status( Shopping, Submitted,
Waitpay, Processing, Completed, Problem, Deleted, Cancelled )
<ItemTypeName></ItemTypeName>item Type
<ItemName></ItemName>item Name
<ItemStatus></ItemStatus>Item Status(Completed, Cancelled, Problem)
Get Order Status ExampleRequest (XML format)
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ItemTypeName>domain transfer away</ItemTypeName>
Request (JSON format)
Response (JSON format){
"GetOrderStatusResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"OrderStatus": {
"OrderId": 0,
"OrderStatus": "Completed",
"ItemList": [
"ItemTypeName": "domain transfer away",
"ItemName": "",
"ItemStatus": "Completed"
"ItemTypeName": "domain",
"ItemName": "",
"ItemStatus": "Completed"
Is Processing Command
Calling the is_processing command will tell you whether it is safe to submit a new request
Is-Processing Request ParameterExplanation
Is-Processing Request Parameter
no extra parameter is needed
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<Response></Response>Tag of is_processing response
<ResponseHeader></ResponseHeader>Tag of is_processing header
<ResponseMsg></ResponseMsg>Tag of is_processing response message. It should be "yes"(There is a process in the system. You shouldn't sent another request.) or "no"(There is no any process for you account. It is safe to submit a new request.)
Is-Processing ExampleRequest (XML format)[API Key]&command=is_processing
Response (XML format)<Response>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=is_processing
Response (JSON format){
Request (CSV format)[API Key]&command=is_processing
Response (CSV format)ok,yes
List Coupons Command
Calling the List Coupons Command will get all coupons. This command is only available in XML and JSON format. If calling this command, the following parameters should be included:
List Coupons Request ParameterExplanation
List Coupons Request Parameter
coupon_typeYou can choose a value from the following list to represent your search type: "registration" , "renewal" , or "transfer"
Result XML tagExplanation
Result XML tag
<ListCouponsResponse></ListCouponsResponse>the root node of the response
<ListCouponsHeader></ListCouponsHeader>List Coupons header
<SuccessCode></SuccessCode>If the operation is successful, "0" for success, "-1" for failure
<Status></Status>The status of request
<Error></Error>Error information about the request, only used when status is "error"
<ListCouponsContent></ListCouponsContent>List Coupons content
<Coupons></Coupons>Contains multiple sets of coupon data
<Coupon></Coupon>Contains single coupon data
<Code></Code>Coupon code
<Description></Description>Description of the coupon
<CouponType></CouponType>Type of the coupon
<DiscountType></DiscountType>Type of discount offered by the coupon
<DiscountInfo></DiscountInfo>The discount information of the coupon
<Percentage></Percentage>The percentage of the discount
<AUD></AUD>Discount amount in Australian Dollars
<MXN></MXN>Discount amount in Mexican Pesos
<EUR></EUR>Discount amount in Euros
<GBP></GBP>Discount amount in British Pounds
<IDR></IDR>Discount amount in Indonesian Rupiah
<USD></USD>Discount amount in United States Dollars
<CAD></CAD>Discount amount in Canadian Dollars
<INR></INR>Discount amount in Indian Rupees
<BRL></BRL>Discount amount in Brazilian Real
<CNY></CNY>Discount amount in Chinese Yuan
<Restriction></Restriction>Coupon restrictions
<PriceLevels></PriceLevels>A collection of price levels that support the use of coupons
<UsesPerAccount></UsesPerAccount>The number of times the coupon can be used per account
<UsesSystemWide></UsesSystemWide>The number of times the coupon can be used system-wide
<UsesPerIp></UsesPerIp>The number of times the coupon can be used per IP address
<ItemsPerAccount></ItemsPerAccount>The number of items the coupon can be used for per account
<ItemsSystemWide></ItemsSystemWide>The number of items the coupon can be used for system-wide
<ItemsPerOrder></ItemsPerOrder>The number of items the coupon can be used for per order
<ItemsPerDay></ItemsPerDay>The number of items the coupon can be used for per day
<IdnRestriction></IdnRestriction>IDN restrictions for the coupon
<DomainDurationMin></DomainDurationMin>Minimum domain duration
<DomainDurationMax></DomainDurationMax>Maximum domain duration
<Tlds></Tlds>A collection of top-level domains that support the use of coupons
<Tld></Tld>A single top-level domain that supports the use of coupons
<Currencies></Currencies>A collection of currency types that support the use of coupons
<Currency></Currency>A single currency type that supports the use of coupons
<StartDate></StartDate>The start date of the coupon's validity
<EndDate></EndDate>The end date of the coupon's validity
List Coupons Example
Request (XML format)[API Key]&command=list_coupons&coupon_type=renewal
Response (XML format)<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Description>Domain Renew Coupon</Description>
<CouponType>Hosting/SSL Coupons</CouponType>
<Currency>US Dollar USD ($)</Currency>
Request (JSON format)[API Key]&command=list_coupons&coupon_type=renewal
Response (JSON format){
"ListCouponsResponse": {
"ResponseCode": 0,
"Status": "success",
"Coupons": [
"Description": "Domain Renew Coupon",
"CouponType": "Hosting/SSL Coupons",
"DiscountType": "PERCENTAGE_OFF",
"DiscountInfo": {
"Percentage": "10%"
"Restriction": {
"PriceLevels": "Any",
"IdnRestriction": "None",
"DomainDurationMin": "1",
"DomainDurationMax": "1",
"Tlds": [
"Currencies": [
"US Dollar USD ($)"
"StartDate": "1476811260000",
"EndDate": "1483257540000"