
Dynadot Help



  • 如何解锁域名?

    要解锁您的域名,请按照以下步骤: 登录到您的Dynadot账户。 从左侧菜单栏选择“我的域名”,点击下拉菜单中的“管理域名”。 勾选您想要解锁域名旁边的方框。 从"操作"下拉菜单中选择""解锁域名""。 如果您的帐户被锁定,您将收到提示解锁您的帐户继续之前。解锁您的账户需要输入您的安全 PIN标记、符号、HTML标签和Token Code不得翻译。设置Google Authenticator以及/或者如果您有的短信代码短信设置. 在输入需要解锁的信息后,点击“解锁账号”按钮。这将带您回到“管理域名”页面,在那里您可以再次进行域名选择。 点击“解锁域名”按钮解锁您的域名。 请提交“忘记安全PIN码”的请求如果您不记得您的 '安全密码'。请提交'丢失手机'请求如果您丢失了手机或无法使用Google Authenticator和/或短信功能。

  • 我如何能够知道我的域名是否被锁定?

    查看您的状态域名锁定请按照以下步骤操作: 登录到您的Dynadot账户。 从左侧菜单栏选择“我的域名”,点击下拉菜单中的“管理域名”。 从你的域名列表中查找域名,并找到“锁”图标。如果将鼠标悬停在图标上,将显示“已锁定”或“未锁定”。 您还可以从“管理域名”页面上点击域名并向下滚动到“转让锁定”部分来查看域名是否被锁定。除非您正在进行转让过程,我们建议将您的域名锁定。这有助于确保其安全性。安全如果您将一个域名解锁,我们的系统将在14天后重新锁定它,但是这可能会因其他因素而变化,比如即将到期。学习如何解锁您的域名。

  • 什么是域名劫持?


  • 什么是“域名锁定”功能?

    域名锁定功能与我们的账户锁定" 功能,但它将锁定应用于每个单独的域名,而不是整个账户。将每个单独的域名以及您的账户锁定,有助于确保您的账户安全,且没有域名会被劫持。在你之前解锁您的域名或域名,您将需要解锁您的帐户我们建议设置双步验证使用您的帐户添加额外的一层安全。将您的域名锁定是默认设置。了解更多如何知道您的域名是否已锁定。

  • What is a Registry lock?

    We're thrilled to introduce the registry lock feature, designed to enhance the security of your domain names and prevent hijacking. This additional security measure complements our existing safeguards and is highly recommended for protecting your most valuable domain names. By implementing registry lock, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized changes, terminations, or transfers. Registry lock operates at the registry level and strengthens the authentication process between the registry and the domain name registrar. Enabling or disabling registry lock necessitates additional authentication steps involving the user, registrar, and registry. To add registry lock for domains in your Dynadot account, please follow these steps: Sign in to your Dynadot account. Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down. In the "Domains" column, click on the link of the domain name you want to apply registry lock to. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the "Registry Lock" section. If your account is locked, click on the "Unlock Account" button to unlock your account first. Once your account is unlocked, click the "Upgrade" button. Click on your shopping cart and follow the "Checkout" buttons to submit your order. You can also add/renew registry lock for your domain in your shopping cart if there's a renewal item for the same domain. Once the process is completed, the 'Registry Lock' section will update accordingly, allowing you to enable or disable the lock from that location. NOTE: Registry lock is currently available for the following domains: .com, .net, and .cc. We plan to extend this service to other TLDs in the future. The processing time for enabling or disabling registry lock is typically 3-5 business days. If you choose to add or renew registry lock for your domain, it must be ordered for the entire duration of the domain's lifecycle. For example, if your domain is registered for three years, the registry lock should also be purchased for three years. Here is an example of the Whois results for a registry-level-locked domain name, with the key statuses highlighted:


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