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How do I connect my domain with my Website Builder using DNS?
Atualizado: 2024/12/16Vezes visualizado: 16692
To connect a domain to your Website Builder, the domain must be in the same Dynadot account as the Website Builder you want to connect to it.
If you have email hosting with us as well, please see these steps instead. Otherwise, please follow these steps to connect your domain to the Website Builder using DNS:
Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down menu.
Check the box next to your domain name(s) and click on the "Action" button.
Choose "DNS Settings" from the "Action" list.
In the "Domain Record (optional)" section, select "A" from the drop-down menu and then enter "" in the "IP Address or Target Host" box.
For the next line of the "Domain Record (optional)" section, select "A" from the drop-down menu and then enter "" in the "IP Address or Target Host" box.
In the "Subdomain Records (optional)" section, enter "www" as the subdomain, select "A" from the drop-down menu and then enter "" in the "IP Address or Target Host" box.
For the next line of the "Subdomain Records (optional)" section, enter "www" as the subdomain, select "A" from the drop-down menu and then enter "" in the "IP Address or Target Host" box.
Press the "Save DNS" button to save your changes.
NOTE: Your domain must be linked directly to your Website Builder before you can connect to the Website builder using DNS. Please be aware that it may take some time for your settings to propagate.
Your settings should look similar to what is shown below:
If you want to connect a domain that is in another Dynadot account to your website builder, you will need to initiate a Change Ownership request to move the domain to the Dynadot account which holds the Website Builder.
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