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Upgrade to advanced?
12/21/2009 13:45
Hi, I just wanted to ask if i could "opgrade" my basic hosting to advanced hosting?

I payd ($35.99 USD) for my basic hosting, and i wanna upgrade it to advanced, is that possible?

- With upgrade i mean, pay the the last ($24 USD).

By the way, does Advanced Hosting work with PHP files? Like phpBB, vBulletin, other forums and that.

Thanks, Ayran.

[This post has been edited by user_2731 on Dec 21, 2009 1:45pm.]

[This post has been edited by user_2731 on Dec 21, 2009 1:50pm.]
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12/21/2009 16:21
They might, probably depends on when you purchased the hosting. If it was less than 1 week ago they probably will let you pay to upgrade but if it was six months ago, well your hosting is no longer worth the $35.99 you payed for it so they may not let you upgrade. Just Contact Them and see what they can do for you.

And yes advabced hosting works with PHP files like phpBB, etc.
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12/21/2009 17:50
We answered your question in your original thread:

As far as I can tell, we still haven't received an email from you.  You will need to email us if you want your Basic Hosting canceled so that you can upgrade to the Advanced Hosting.

[This post has been edited by dynadot_staff on Dec 21, 2009 5:50pm.]
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12/22/2009 02:12
Alright then, to contact you/send you a email to upgrade is that:

[This post has been edited by user_2731 on Dec 22, 2009 4:12am.]
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12/22/2009 12:44
Why dosnt "" fork for me? "Can not connect to server" reason. I typed the pass wrong 2 times, i thot it was the dynadot login with the username i picked. If the "wrong" login is the problem, how long should i wait?
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12/22/2009 15:59
Yes, you can contact them at or you can just email it to [email protected]

As for you not being able to connect to the server, you may have banned yourself for to many incorrect logins. Just email dynadot and check this is the case. If it is just ask them to unblock you.
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