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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
Two questions I have...
11/2/2009 01:30
My website is a graphics website for MySpace and stuff, and I have several staff working with me. How do I enable for them to edit(as in, add graphics, etc) my site without having control over all my domains? Is this even possible?

I have a feel I might grow out of the storage space. When I do and I've exceeded the limit, is there possibly a way to expand it, like paying extra?

Thanks in advance. c:
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11/7/2009 18:31
1st Question: If you are using our Basic Hosting, you can provide them with the FTP login information. Then they would only be able to add/remove/edit files in your hosting account.

2nd: If hosting with us, you can upgrade the diskspace:
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