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Seeking Search Engine V other visitors
6/30/2010 21:21
I seem to be getting 90% search engines visiting my websites, and it is very hard to sift out whom of the surfers are search engines, and how many are people who want to use the website.

When I click on 'unique visitors', There needs to be distinct columns where each column shall state in respective order...

....Unique search engines
....Unique Other users
....Total of the two.

This should be easy enough to do as
#1, Search engines normally have fixed ip addresses
#2, Search engines are the only ones who surf robots.txt

It would be a great advantage to me to have this information, and I ask if Dynadot could look closely into doing this request.

Before I close, I wish to also ask if there is a way I can get some kind of a file which has a list of all the IP addresses, file they surfed, and other information like referer page.  This way I can use my own number cruncher program to sort this all out for me?
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7/2/2010 22:24
Is this in cPanel? If it is there is not much dynadot will be able to do about it because if they go and make the changes you stated and then an update comes out the whole thing could 'break'. You probably would be better off hiring someone to make what you need.
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