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Its not possible to change the website for hosting
4/10/2010 10:45
Dear Sir,

I have ordered Dynadot hosting few months ago, since than the page has expired, but I still owe Dynadot hosting. I followed your steps in 1 topic in this Forum, but there is no "host a different website" option. Could you help me please what to do.

Kind regards,

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4/10/2010 17:13
You can do this by following the steps below:

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4/12/2010 03:48
Dear Sir or Madam,

Host a different website box is not existing. I did everything to the instructions but its impossible to change the site, because the button to host another site its not appearing.

kind reagards,

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4/12/2010 04:09
Dear Sir or Madam,

I have just entered the IP address due to the instructions on the site. The Mosting for domain did not expired for the past domain, even when I do not own it. So when chacking the domain it says its hosted by dynadot. I get the message like everybody else Not hosted. The only problem is for me right now that I can not change the existing expired website into new in the Web Hosting. When this is done properly, It will work everything fine with uploading the files.

kind regards,

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4/12/2010 12:40
dear Sir or Madam,

I am dealing now with this problem for days. There is no such button or tab as change a fifferent website.
Could you please answer asap or fix that problem,
the other option is that you delete the domain which is anyway not existing and tell me how I should add a new one to web hosting section. I would like to make an announcement of site opening asap,

thank you
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4/13/2010 04:17
Dear Sir or Madam,

now I had to buy another hosting package while this mistake by the current website still exists. At my currenbt domain the changing of website hosting is possible. It seems like your sistem is not appropriate for the websites which are not registred any more. It doesnt let you to change the site hosted. Please fix this and add me some more space by the current site,

Best regards,

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4/13/2010 09:55
The problem solved. I didnt know you must click on the site link to get this option to change site for hosting. I was convinced that it opens the site, so I was searching for other options. Thank you again,

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