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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
Dynadot Control Panel
5/27/2010 12:44
Currently, I had a client register their new domain name with you...I want to setup them at with basic hosting.

Though I'm very familiar with cPanel, I'm not familiar with Dyndadot Control Panel. I choose basic for them so they can maintain their own site, with the flexibility to upgrade at a later time.

Do you have screen shots, or documentation, for your Control Panel that I may view in advance?

Thank you,
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5/29/2010 16:45
We currently do not have any screenshots for our basic hosting packages, but there is some information on how to use it located in our Help section:

Web Hosting
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6/2/2010 15:57
Thank you.
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