Hey there,
I wanted to send a genuine and enthusiastic Thank You and kudos to the
gentleman who helped me yesterday (Saturday 11/29/14) around 5 pm PST in solving some e-mail issues.
I've struggled with this email issue since I switched web hosts for my website nearly a year ago. You all are my domain registrar, and as of yesterday, also provide basic hosting services for me, so that I can have my e-mail functioning. I don't speak technical too well, but he who helped me worked through the several issues that I was having with
patience and persistence. While not a major issue, to me it was
something that has been troubling me for nearly a year, and stood in the way of me confidently operating a small business using this e-mail address. It just took someone to work it through with me - and he did.
So thank you! I didn't catch his name, but wanted to share my gratitude with him, and my hope that this can be shared with his supervisor as well. Too often we take time to pile on about bad service, and neglect
to say thanks when we get great service. Particularly during this time of thanking, I wanted to make sure that his efforts and persistence were recognized.
B. P. O.
thank you.
i'll be back by your site whenever im ready to buy a domain.
...still verifying my paypal for now...
i love your service - sincere, honest. no hidden charges.
more power
J. H.
I have to write and thank you for the absolutely, best customer service in your industry. Although my issues may have been simple to others, I needed help. My questions were answered promptly and I was treated with professionalism and respect !! I now have 2 domain's and 2 sites hosted at Dynadot.com. I would highly recommend Dynadot to any novice, or webwaster. This should be your new home !!!! Many thanks, to you and your staff.
Best regards,
C. L.
Hello Dynadot!
Just want to thank you guys for making things so easy with domain purchasing, domain transferring and all that! I just transferred 2 domains to my account and it went through like a breeze! I didn't actually have to worry about anything, which was great!
Customer service has been fantastic too! I have been sending in tons of questions and I always receive a prompt reply! Excellent!
I will be transferring all my domains to Dynadot now! (with the exception of one .WS which is currently stuck at ******* :( boo!). I wish I had bought the .ws at Dynadot but no one actually told me about this! They just said "*******".
Oh well, keep up the great work Dynadot! :D
S. x.
Thanks. I really appreciate all of your help. It's good to know that this problem is over. We have not spoken with her as we didn't want to make things worse. We still have no idea why on earth she even did this, knowing full well that she sold it to us. I guess I know now the proper way to buy a domain :)
Anyway, It's good to know this is resolved, so that we can continue working on the magazine. I even bought a new domain name yesterday just in case.
Thanks, and please send my thanks to ******* as well.. she was not only helpful but listened when I explained the situation -- which is something that a lot of customer service reps don't do these days. For that I'm really appreciative. And your company has been very quick with the responses as well, which is a big plus in my book.
Have a happy new year.
K. &. N. B.