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  • How do I activate my security key to my Dynadot account?

    Linking your Security key to your Dynadot account, along with your "Security PIN" and Google Authenticator is a great way to add extra security to your account. This is why we recommend adding it as a part of your account security.

    To activate your Security key, you will first need to purchase and register your physical security key on your computer. Each security key has its own steps. Please refer to the product guide and follow those steps.

    After you have registered your key, please follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to your Dynadot account.
    2. Select "Security" from the "My Info" drop-down menu.
    3. Unlock your account using the button at the top of the page.
    4. Under "Two Factor Authentication", click on "Security Key".
    5. Insert the security key into your computer's port, or connect via your mobile device.
    6. Once you have connected please verify your key by touching the top of the key.
    7. Click on the "Enable Security Key" button to save your changes.

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