Hai bisogno di supporto per i tuoi domini Dynadot, siti web o uno dei nostri strumenti? Utilizza la nostra directory degli articoli di aiuto per trovare le risorse di cui hai bisogno o contatta il nostro team di supporto per ulteriori assistenza.
Select "My Domains" from the left-side menu bar and click "Manage Domains" in the drop-down.
Check the box next to the domain name(s) and select "DNS Settings" from the "Action" drop-down menu.
On the new page, select the "Dynadot DNS" option from the drop-down menu.
In the "Domain Record (optional)" section at the top, select "Forward" as the record type and enter "http://www.yourdomainname.ext" as the "URL".
Under the "Subdomain Record (optional)" field, enter "www" as the subdomain, select "CNAME" as the record type and enter "yourbigcartelstore.bigcartel.com" as the "IP Address or Target Host".
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "SaveSettings" button to save your changes.