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web sites very slow
Posted By r_s
1/16/2008 09:36
I've noticed my websites on dynadot have been very slow to load today and yesterday.

What is the technical problem with Dynadot hosting? And when will it be resolved?

It would be good customer service to inform us of such technical problems - and I do believe it was suggested some while ago that a service status tab and page was put on the Dynadot site, but nothing has occured.
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1/16/2008 18:46
The webhosting server has been experiencing unusually high network traffic, which caused delays in responding to web requests. We are looking into this issue.
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Posted By s_b
1/23/2008 10:02
Has the problem been solved? As it seems sites have now gone back to being slow to load.

Not exactly what customers want.
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1/24/2008 17:38
Our web hosting server experienced unusually high server load yesterday which was why your websites were very slow.  We are currently looking into what caused the slow-down so we can avoid it in the future.
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