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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
Domain Clearance Sale 4!!!!
7/30/2007 17:31
We have 5 more domains to auction off. We took ownership of these domains due to chargebacks.

Please place your bids by replying to this thread. You are bidding for all 5 domains. The starting bid is $0.50. The winning bidder will have all 5 domains pushed into their Dynadot account. The auction ends on Monday, August 6 at 5:30pm PST.
[listing= 9, 2825, 11, 10, 2826]
We also have a second auction for eu domains only here.
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Posted By silphy
8/7/2007 20:50
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Posted By silphy
8/7/2007 20:51
ohh its allready finished
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Posted By andro
8/18/2007 06:30
Could you explain what it means "We took ownership of these domains due to chargebacks."

Will a winner should pay for renew of these domains at once ?

[This post has been edited by andro on Aug 18, 2007 6:46am.]
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8/18/2007 12:42
In banking, a "chargeback" signifies that a client paid using a credit card and the owner of that credit card disputed the charge when the bill arrived.

Typically, the credit card companies provide a relatively narrow window (about 45 days) in which cardholders can dispute any oddball charges on their bills. The time limit in which Dynadot is free to return the names to the registry at little or no cost, however, is only five days.

So even if someone were to register a name and charge it to another person's card? The five-day grace delete window may expire long before the cardholder gets the bill and calls the bank to complain.

This would mean that these domains typically still will have ten or eleven months left before they expire - they're good to go without needing to be renewed again, but they're being sold at a loss as a form of "unclaimed merchandise".

"I lived the life of Riley. Unfortunately, Riley then called the bank and reported the credit cards as missing."
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8/18/2007 17:11
Yes, c_a_b_kingston_ca explanation is exactly correct. Usually what happens is someone gets their card number stolen. Then fraudsters go to a bunch of websites and use the card. We have extensive fraud detection, but we don't catch everything.

When the cardholder gets the bill the next month, they see a bunch of charges they do not recognize, and file chargebacks to get their money back. Then the card processors take the money from us, the merchant. We then take the domains away from the fraudulent account, and sell them here.
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Posted By sean
9/5/2008 19:28
Nice Congrats

[This post has been edited by sudonuke_networks on Sep 5, 2008 7:29pm.]
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9/6/2008 03:54
This is an old thread, idiot.
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