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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
Price Increase
10/13/2007 01:00
Dear Customers,

The central registries for COM, NET, ORG, INFO, and BIZ are raising prices this month. Because our margins are so low, we are forced to raise prices as well.

Starting midnight Oct 15 EST, the price of COM, NET, ORG, INFO, and BIZ domains is going from $7.99 to $8.99. To save money, we recommend you renew your domains at the current price before Oct 15.

We work hard to keep prices low. This is our first price increase since we went into business in 2002.

Best Regards,
Dynadot Staff
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10/13/2007 13:18
The INFO $2.99 promotion is not affected by the price increase. It will continue at $2.99 (or $1.99 for bulk customers) until the end of the year.
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10/13/2007 13:26
We are increasing prices by $1.00, even though the Verisign price increase is $0.42. The reason is that all our costs have gone up over the past 5 years.

For example, when we originally set the $7.99 price in 2002, there was no $0.20 ICANN fee per domain.

Visa and Mastercard raised interchange rates in 2006, increasing payment transaction costs.

Our hosting fees have increased.

Insurance costs for our employees have risen about 10% a year.

The list goes on.
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10/13/2007 14:52
So what shall we do ?

We have to pay 7.99$ ? (In my case, because I own a ORG)
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10/13/2007 15:55

As I said,  here ,  Dynadot services deserve more then we pay. 8.99$ is good price. If you buy in Europe you will pay about 20.00$

[This post has been edited by a_i_louvain la neuve_be on Oct 13, 2007 3:56pm.]
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Posted By hekler
10/13/2007 16:02
[quoting DynaDot] Starting midnight Oct 15 EST, the price of COM, NET, ORG, INFO, and BIZ domains is going from $7.99 to $8.99. To save money, we recommend you renew your domains at the current price before Oct 15. [End quote]

Now what would be nice is that DynaDot paid the revenue money for the last 2 month so we could renew domains at the old price seeing it is the only way we can use these funds.

How about it DynaDot???????????????????
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Posted By hekler
10/13/2007 16:10
Hang on - I just realised something. The ICANN price increase is effective from 00.00 hours on the morning of the 18th not the 15th as per DynaDot's notice. No begrudges the increase (If they do well............) but make from when the cost hits you not before.
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10/13/2007 16:24
I cant speak for anyone else but I feel like a i am being manipulated.  I don't have a problem with price increases..
I have a BIG issue with receiving 2 DAYS notice!!..
Add the failed parking revenue issues, a pretty basic API and the endless ' it will be ready in a few months' line and it starts to take the shine of any relationship with Dynadot..  
I'm already in a lifeboat looking for a new ship to sail into the sunset with..
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10/14/2007 05:31
I would just like to know how to pay that price increase...

What should I do in my Control Panel to pay that.

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Posted By ma2tfr
10/14/2007 05:34
You have forget Paypal fees no ?

france-roumanie: yeah :p gandi powa
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10/14/2007 10:41
Certainly no reason to complain about the prices, but I certainly am complaining about the sudden change in price increase date.

I was planning transfers in around a Oct 21 price increase (as per your previous forum post) and then suddenly I get an email and I have 2 days to react!
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