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Websites down - again
Posted By r_s
4/20/2008 22:46
Dynadot's website are down - again. As they were for a while a few days ago.

This downtime - however short - seems to happen about every month or so (even more frequently recently), and while the "technical problem" causing this will no doubt be fixed in under an hour/an hour/a few hours/a day/a few days, it is getting somewhat annoying.

Now, I'm not really knocking Dynadot here - the service really is very good considering the prices, and the customer service is excellent, but there are webhosting companies that can manage 100% uptime, which is surely down to investment in redundant backup hardware, and bandwidth, and the "apologies for the inconvenience" that we'll get when the current "technical problem" is fixed are really no substitute for good uptime.
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Posted By s_b
4/23/2008 10:39
I also noticed this - as I write this, my site is down, plus I can't get into My Files to edit files, or do anything.

My site just shows a blank page, with source;

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><title></title></head><body></body></html>

Hey, Dynadot guys, this is serious!
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4/23/2008 12:30

The current estimate is that web and email hosting will be down for about another hour.

[This post has been edited by dynadot_staff on Apr 23, 2008 12:30pm.]
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