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Web site is always offline
1/9/2009 11:44
I have followed some of the instructions on the FAQ that explains what to do when your web site is offline.

My web site has been registered and being hosted by Dynadot. I've done the following and my web site still times out.

* I cleared my cache several times and deleted all history files.

* Went to Altavista's Babel Fish translation page, which did not work because it failed with "HTTP request failed with error (0) for URL:"

* Entered the web site address in a broswer without "www".

* Checked the name server settings using IP Lookout which didn't reveal anything wrong.

The snapshot tool shows the web page correctly.

I'd appreciate some help with this as I don't know what else to try.


[This post has been edited by l_c_petaluma_us on Jan 9, 2009 8:00pm.]
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1/12/2009 17:51
You've set everything up correctly.  

Are you still having problems viewing the website when typing it into your browser?  

When I visited your hosted domain, the website appeared correctly.  

If not, your domain might still be cached.  The easiest way to clear your cache is to restart your computer.  However, if your domain is cached on the ISP level, you'll just need to wait until it clears.
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