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A place for Dynadot and community experts alike to ask questions, share ideas, and more.
hosting on another webhost but still getting my emails in google asp - how?
7/15/2009 02:33
title says it.

I originally bought webspace with my domain here too,
but then I realized you dont offer php or mysql.

no hardship, I could have seen it when I looked for it..
now I want to host my site on another webhosting site,

what do I have to do to make it work?
If I use "host elsewhere" I cant use email forwarding for google apps
and I dont fully understand the "advanced dynadot dns" which is what I assume I need to use?
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7/15/2009 17:48
If your Hosting Company allows you to add MX records, your best option is to set your Name Servers at Dynadot and then add your MX records through the Hosting Company.  

If they don't allow you to add MX records, you'd just need to use Advanced Dynadot DNS.  Once you get the IP address from your Hosting company, you'd need to create two Records, the required record and then one subdomain.

Both of these records are "A" record types and the Target Host would be the IP address for your hosting company.  The subdomain would point to "www."

Your settings would look similar to what is shown here:
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